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"Keith if you don't give me my book right now I will murder you!!" Debbie shouted on top of her lungs while I was running around the corridor.

"You need to catch me first kiddo." I teased her around even more.
In front I saw our teacher coming and I wasn't able to control my speed so I changed the direction but that was a wrong move from my part because Debbie went and bumped straight into our teacher. Everyone around was laughing and we both were sent to the principal's office immediately. This was the second time and I was sure we would have to face further consequences but it was my fault to begin with , I didn't want to drag her into this.

"Will either of you like to speak about what just happened." He started off in his strict tone.

"Sir It was my fau-" I was suddenly cut off by her.

"Sir it was my fault, I was running at full speed and wasn't able to stop at the correct time and that's why I bumped into Mrs Thompson. It was an accident. I am sorry sir." I looked at her with surprise because that wasn't what had actually happened, is she lying to save me?

"I understand but why was Mr Mendoza called in." The principal looked at me and I started again.

"I was-" again I was cut off by Debbie, jeez this lady is not letting me speak at all.

"Sir he was running in a different direction he is not at fault."

" I see, as this was an accident I'm letting you go but next time I don't want to see you two in my office." We both nodded and left his office quickly.

"What was that Debbie?"

"I'm not your bait to show off Infront of others saying that oh you're such a nice man helping orphans" oh so that is what she thought , for once I thought she actually cared.

"Be a bait for me and I'll be surely lured in." I smirked at her.

"So cheesy flirts are your new way of annoying me? If that's the case then.." she slowly started coming towards me and I walked back we kept doing it till I hit the locker behind me. She kept one of her hand on the locker.

"Wh-What are you doing Debbie?" She pulled me down from my collar till we were just few inches apart from each other, I gulped feeling guilty about what was going to happen next.  Before anything more could happen she pushed me and then laughed.

"You couldn't even handle this and you expect me to take in your crap. Better luck next time 'kiddo' " she emphasized on the last word and started to walk away but something got in me and I don't know why I wasn't able to control myself, I pulled her closer again by her hand she jerked on that motion. I reached down till her ear and whispered slowly

"I wasn't joking when I said that and another thing don't do this again or like you said I wouldn't be able to 'handle' myself." I made sure I emphasized my words.

She pushed me again
"You're- you're such a jerk , I hate you!" She walked away with faster speed and I just looked at her and smirked.

"Thanks beautiful." I shouted back at her and winked, she got annoyed further and ran away from there.

I went to class again and Clara was sitting there waiting for me. I almost forgot about my relationship but I didn't even want this anymore and I thought of clearing it with Clara and finish this off atleast at school, I'll deal with my dad later.

"Where were you ?" She looked a little suspicious and I was thinking of ways to bring in this topic.

"Listen Clara I need to talk to you about something serious."

"Me too." Well that was unexpected but okay we went into some cafe after school and sat down.
"So what is it that you want to talk about?"

"This whatever we have between
Us , it's just not working out. I wanted to be honest with you and I hope you're not mad but I don't want to continue our relationship further." I was a little nervous on how she would
React out of all I just didn't want that she cried over this.

"Mhmmm" she gave me side eye at first.

"Don't get me wrong you're really beautiful but I can't do this forced relationship anymore."

"Well actually thank god you said it first oh I'm so relieved , I don't want to be in a relationship with you either. This was so suffocating oh my god , Don't get me wrong but I just don't feel the sparks between us at all." This was great news no one got hurt and we both are free to meet other people whom we actually want to.

"That's great... But what do we do about our dads?"

"We'll keep it a secret from them for now and think of something later and one more thing rich playboy , I'm not that spoilt."  That caught me off guard.

"Uhh who told you that?"

"Word comes around but it's okay I forgive you and before saying anything again better get to know me properly first." I was kind of at fault for that but she was rude to people.

We left the cafe and that was one thing off my chest and now I had to get other things cleared.

I went home and when I entered, Dad was waiting for me which was odd because he was never home this early.
I kept my bag down and greeted him , he didn't look very happy but I was used to all of this.

"Why are you home so early?" A loud thud and there was a eerie ring in my ear, he just slapped me right now.

"I TOLD YOU SO MANY TIMES DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT LET'S DOWN OUR REPUTATION! AND NOW IM GETTING CALLS FROM YOUR SCHOOL!" He shouted so loud and I wasn't still able to come into my senses , it had been really long since somebody had hit me aside from when I get into fights.  This made me very angry and my mother she just stood aside and looked away. I was done for this day and had enough of both of them.

"MAYBE IF YOU'D PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR CHILD FOR ONCE AND HEARD ME THEN WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO SEE THIS DAY!" I shouted back and he was shocked at my reaction, I had never spoken back to him and this was the first time. I took my bag and ran out of the house while he kept shouting.

"YOU WAIT ! COME HOME TODAY AND YOU'LL SEE!" I shut the door behind me and took a deep breath and turned around to see Debbie standing there , paused at her place with a notebook in her hand. Shit she saw it.


"No no no Debbie no don't say anything, you weren't supposed to see all that." I face palmed myself and then remembered my dad is still behind that door and he could come out any minute , I took her hand and we ran away from there.

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now