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We departed from the north side heading towards the south side. There was an awkward silence in the car. John was driving and I was sitting on the passengers seat next to him. Even the music played on the radio was bad.

"So why did you change your professions?" He asked breaking the silence.

"I found law to be boring and journalism caught my eye. I can freely express my creativity here and write however I want to for the news articles. You should read too." I always get happy when I talk about my work which I absolutely love.

"Yeah sure I will , what's the name of the newspaper?"

"Time Zone." I'm sure he would know of it, it's one of the famous article publishing companies.

"I have not heard of it but I will see when I get time." Is he living under a rock?

"How come you not know about it. It's quite famous." I said rolling my eyes.

"Reading news is irrelevant to me but I will read yours." That last line kind of gave me a bit of chills and it wasn't even winter yet. That was unexpected but I tried to be normal about it.

"What about the current affairs then? You don't know about them?"

"I get pop ups and notifications about it on my phone so yeah I am updated regarding the fast moving generation , it's just that it doesn't catch my attention much."

"I've realized that this is the first normal conversation we are having." I said looking at the road.

"Huh what do you mean?"

"You know you always tease me and annoy me about things. Even when you left you didn't tell me a proper goodbye. It was like 'bye looser sucks to be you'. Funny that we are talking normally." I looked at him and I didn't expect it but he looked at me too at the same time. There was an eye lock for a moment when he blinked and cleared his throat again looking at the road.

"Yes now we've grown up but I wouldn't mind calling you a looser though." He cracked an awkward chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. To any normal human it would be just an average thing a person does but I don't know why he looked attractive when doing that. I am going crazy. Focus Rose Focus. Brother's bestfriend off limits besides he's kind of a detective too and I don't want to be involved romantically with some detective.

Rest of the ride went in silence again and I did not look at him even once. We finally arrived at our hotel and took two rooms which was next to eachother but it's alright. Considering the expenses of today's world I wouldn't mind having a room next to him. So I didn't complain.

"So... Do you want to come to the Mortuary with me?" Eh no way I'm looking at frozen dead bodies , that would be a creepy sight to watch.

"No thanks I don't want to vomit my guts out." He sighed

"And you always say I'm the one who's dramatic."

"I'm not being dramatic, I'm acting natural like a normal human but you won't get it you were never a human."
That was a good roast but it didn't seem to work because there was a smirk formed on his face.

"So what am I ? A feisty beast? And you are the beauty?" The smirk didn't wear off from his face and it made me kind of blush hearing that.

"That is not what I meant." I said instantly looking away from him.

"Yeah yeah I'm joking. Now come or I will be bored being between the land of dead alone."

"What makes you think I will be enjoying that sight?"

"Don't look simple. I don't be busy writing some article of yours or maybe try coming up with better comebacks for me." He shrugged his shoulder and I rolled my eyes at him and before I could respond he held my hand and dragged me out of the hotel lobby. That did send a whole fricking lighting bolt in my body. I became so still.

He clapped his hand and I zoned out from Dreamland. "We are here. What are you even busy thinking about? The whole ride you were so quiet. Did I piss you off angry bird.?"

"Angry bird?? What is your problem with me?" I got annoyed by him again. For a second I thought I could like this guy but no the fireworks from earlier disappeared.

"You know redhead , the red angry bird in that game you look exactly like that Heller."

"You know the dog from scooby doo you look exactly like that Atlas."

"Sure. Let's go in now." Oh right I totally forgot about the Mortuary. I really didn't want to go in there.

I went in and sat in some room and thank god I wouldn't have to see dead bodies. Atlas went inside and I think I was in some waiting room. I spent the rest of my time building up the story of missing orphans.

After sometime which felt like an eternity probably because I was dying from boredom, Atlas came out with a serious look on his face.

"What happened did you find anything?"

"I examined Harold's body and on further examination I found out he was murdered. Someone strangled him at night with a pillow over his face blocking his air passage. I wasn't very sure at first but then I examined the suicide weapon. A clean sharp blade was used and I tried to match the fingerprints on the blade to that of Harold's and turns out both have different finger prints which confirmed my suspicion." That was alot of information to take in at once. We have to tell this to Trevor and Kate at the earliest.

"So now we have to find the murderer of the kidnapper too? This all keeps forming a loop." I said frustrated at the new information. Atlas could understand the frustration.

"This was surprising. Let's get out of here now or do you want to check out dead bodies?"

"No I would be happy to leave."  

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now