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When we went back to Kate's room for some hardcore discussion about the whole situation we ended up with a suprise. A man who I had seen after seven years. The last time I met him I was a school girl. I was seventeen back then. I'm not too old currently just twenty three , the same age as Kate and John is same age as my brother which makes him three years older than me. I don't know what happened after that because we never met after that. I guess we all got busy with our lives. He looked so different from the last time I saw him. More taller and I don't know something just changed about him. Aside from his deep voice his appearance became more manly? Last time I saw him he was just a young boy even though he was twenty. Now it's like he gained some good muscles and his skin still the same white colour , his hair shade of a wooden brown colour and his blue eyes with a ring of light. He is perfect! But no I had a hold on myself , if anything I wouldn't fall for my brother's bestfriend. I was too busy in my own thoughts, I didn't notice he had finished his greetings with my brother and Kate and came towards me. I didn't want to make it seem so awkward between us so I put my hands behind my back resisting from a handshake because I didn't want to feel those kind of currents a person feels when they just get a small look from their crush. I will not allow myself to have crush on this guy. He used to annoy me so much when I was young and his existence became an utter irritation for me after a point. He never called me my first name since the beginning because I just don't know he refused to do that so I refused to call him from his first name as well.

"It's been a while, Atlas." I made a small yet pleasing remark to make it seem less awkward.

"Yes, it has been a while, Heller." Wow that came out subtle from him. I didn't know what to say next and I think he understood that because he attempted to make a conversation
"You look so different than the last time I saw you Heller." So I wasn't the only one noticing the attire of someone who I didn't tend to remember after the last time I met him.

"I could say the same about you." I smiled to be courteous. He took a good look at me for a second and came back. Was this guy just checking me out? Normally I would punch someone right in the face for doing that but right now I couldn't I was in such a tight position. I didn't want to create a scene.

"So what's a lawyer doing here?"

"Oh law , I dropped that I found my interest in journalism and now I'm a journalist." He remembers that I wanted to be a lawyer back then. It feels strange.

"Oh that's great , I suppose the news channels got their perfect chatterbox." Here we go again. For a second I thought he was handsome? Now we're back to normal , yep he didn't change.

"I couldn't agree less. I seem to wonder how the other doctors feel to have buzzing bee around them all the time, must've disturbed them in their work alot huh." I'm honestly proud of myself for such an amazing Sarcastic come back. He just have back a snarky smile which clearly showed how it hit his right nerves.

"The weather is suddenly unpleasant."  Kate cut the awkward silence between us. She's a life saver , whenever I'm at such a hassle she always gets a way out through it. At first when my brother broke the news about him dating a girl from my college. It was weird to digest specially knowing how boring and serious my brother is and I have seen Kate before a couple of times but never really talked to her. We did end up talking when he made us both have a formal meet which took three sixty degree turns to completely being informal. We both gelled so well with eachother which made me question my friend choices in college. To be honest I never really had anyone just normal classmates. Over the past years I got really close with Kate and I'm happy that atleast one decision my brother made about a girl is right.

"So.. two officers , one forensic doctor and one journalist. What a team." Excitement was filling in John's eyes and it made me wonder too about our mismatched team. It seemed like we were avengers of the murder mystery world. Maybe more to it who knows. Right now my creative skills weren't even working properly.

"I think we would make a great team." Trevor cleared his throat and said firmly to which John and Kate shot a stare at him. Not agreeing with his statement yet.
"Stop looking at me like that. Forget the team thing we are here to work. I have a plan." There goes my brother killing such a vibe in the air. I didn't feel like working but it couldn't be helped because I was worried about the missing girls as well.

"Kate and I will take the north side of the town while you both are going to the south side. John will examine Harold's body and find out some evidence if he can and Rose do what you're good at doing, dig up information and specially take the sheriff into talking without him knowing that he is being interrogated. Meanwhile we both will go to Debbie's school and find out about Molly properly." His plan was good but I didn't want to be paired up with Atlas knowing that he would annoy me the entire time but I wouldn't cross my brother with his judgements , he is bossy but he always took great care of me and never stopped loving me even after our parents died. I was very small and he was young too but he didn't let me see the harsh realities of the world and took the burden on himself to which I can never thank him enough. The least I could do here is listen to him always.

I guess I would have to tolerate the annoying buzzing bee as it is and just hoping that it wouldn't be awkward. Kate and John agreed to Trevor too so now I have no way out of this.

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now