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"What's your problem Keith?"

"Is my concern so troublesome to you? If that's the case then forget even getting to the base of being nice to you." He replied in a snarky tone.

"Just leave me alone." I turned around and started to walk away. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him at all.

"Hey! Don't turn away like that! Are you forgetting something?"

I sighed and turned back at him again
"No I haven't, I'll go and do your part at cleaning too. Just go and do whatever you want to , don't bother me."

"Good!" He walked away and I was finally at peace. I walked to the auditorium to do the usual but when I reached there it was already clean. I went and asked the janitor he said he did it for the day already and I could go home early. To be honest I didn't even want to go home early, it became a prison for me.

I just walked and went to the lake instead and sat down on the bench. So many people around me with their loved ones enjoying this day and I'm here alone sitting on the bench.

"Is this seat taken?"

"Steve?? What are you doing here?" He smiled at my startled response.

"I was just passing by and saw a friend in need."  He said while sitting down next to me.

"Friend?" That made me smile a little.

"Oh right my bad I officially reach my hand out to you and ask for your lovely friendship." He stretched his hand out to me and I took it. We both laughed and it felt good to laugh again I forgot the last time I even laughed.
"So what's a lovely lady doing here alone and on top of that sulking?"

"Oh it's just you know things with family."

"I might look a little too nosy but what about it? you know by sharing things the burden on the back lifts up and you feel light."

"My sister... She's missing. Somewhere out there in this dangerous world."

"You have a sister?"

" Cousin. But she is more than a sister to me."

"You know I'll be going to the church today, I'll pray for her. I hope you find her soon."

"You really don't need to do that for me." I smiled at his kind gesture.

"Oh no it's not some favour I'm doing on you. I would really like to do that."

"That's very kind of you."

"So Miss Debbie tell me more about yourself."
And with that our conversation went on and it actually felt very good to talk to someone , share things and just purely have a good time.

One week had passed and there was still no sign of Molly anywhere. The police did meet me again and they met me alone this time. Officer Kate took me to a cafe and talked to me , asked me about the past , I did hesitate a lot but she was very nice to me about everything. I told her about the whole story , the fire getting an outbreak through the whole factory, how our parents died , how I was taken to my aunt's house and Molly was taken to the orphanage. I missed everyone Soo much.

I was heading to my class again and then my stomach churned a bit. At first I brushed it off and it happened again and again. I checked the date and to my horror I had forgotten that my period date was near. I went to the  teacher and excused myself.
Whenever I had periods I had extreme cramps for the first two days and that is why my stomach was being terrible. Before Molly used to help me out with it and now I have no one to do it. I sat uncomfortably on my chair and used to shift whenever I felt that stinging pain. I just wanted to go home and lie down today. I was getting exhausted, I looked like a complete mess and then I remembered I had to clean before I went home.

I almost started to clean , my stomach was hurting a lot , I kept one hand on my stomach and with the other I was trying to sweep the floor when suddenly someone took the broom stick from my hand.

"I'm not in the mood to deal with you Keith." If he's going to be around I would have a headache along with cramps.

"I'll do the work today. Just go and sit there." He pointed at the auditorium seat where he used to sleep before while I was doing all the work.

"Huh? What's gotten into you today ? I thought it would kill your pride."  I was very confused at this point and surprised too.

"It's not everyday that I'm nice , so while I'm at it just accept it will you?"

"Wait are you pranking me or something."

"Just go and sit there kid. Take some rest and yes here take some medicine."

"Whaa- okay am I in some parallel universe where Mister Mendoza is actually being nice to me for the first time." I laughed a little but the pain got worse so I went and sat down.

"I'm not a monster Debbie."

"Wait how did you know I needed this medicine?"

"I just knew. Now look away and let me finish this work I have a party to attend."

Right there is the rude famous boy. I just looked at him cleaning the entire auditorium floor by himself and not even showing the slightest disgust. There is a good man hiding behind the wrathful walls he created. Maybe it's because of the power his family holds that he always has to be in the role but still it wouldn't hurt to be a little nice sometimes?

His eyes show that he hides a lot of things , I would want to know and help him out too just like Steve helped me out. Probably Steve helps him too I just don't know much about their group and I am not interested to be a part of them.

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora