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I feel so happy after ages I feel very happy , I feel like a human again. The news Kate broke out to me or should I call her mom? I am confused but whatever she told me I was really happy hearing it. I liked her alot and I didn't think I would like Trevor but he is such a cool guy although a little over protective but it was fine. 

I came to school and I was so eager to tell Keith everything. When I entered the prom fever was still going on. I was expecting particular someone to ask me too but I think he is not interested in asking me. Don't get me wrong I don't think I look that ugly , two-three have asked me and I turned them down politely but The who should have asked didn't ask till now. Prom is Tomorrow! Maybe I won't go this time. 

I went to the classroom and the teacher wasn't there yet, I spotted Keith and was about to break the news to him but Steve stopped me midway.

''Listen Debbie can we talk alone?''

''Yeah sure.'' We went outside in the school corridor , alot of people were passing by but Steve was audible enough.

'' You are such a good friend of mine and you have really helped me in many things, I want to ask you something...''

''Go ahead.'' 

''Will you...will you be my prom date?'' He said while taking out a bouquet of fresh roses from his bag. I was left speechless because this was very unexpected and unusual, out of all people I did not expect Steve to ask me, He sure was a good friend of mine but I just thought of him as a friend. Keith approached from the corner and He was frozen at his spot for a second and then he smiled at Steve and left the classroom. I wanted to run after him but I had to solve this out first.

''Oh wow this is great.. but I cannot go with you I am sorry, You are a really good friend and this might hurt you even though I did not want to hurt you.''

''Ouch you didn't have to friend-zone me like that.'' He smiled , I know this did hurt and he is trying to hide it but I want to go with someone else. 

''You are a great guy.''

''So when are you planning to ask Keith?''

''How did you- and why should I-''

''Obviously if it's not me then it has to be Keith , now go and ask him what do you mean by why should I , where did gender equality go?''

''I mean you are right but should I?"

''Just go and yeah accept this bouquet from me.. as a friend ofcourse.'' I smiled and took the bouquet from him and ran outside to meet Keith. He was just standing there throwing a ball at the boundary wall of our school.

He noticed me coming towards him but his expressions were not happy it was just blank.

''Congratulations! So you and Steve huh, I should've known.'' He didn't look at me and kept on throwing the ball.

''Yeah well we couldn't hide it forever some or the other day everyone had to know.''

''I am happy for you both...Glad actually no really very happy it's so great I mean Steve and you and you and Steve-''

''Cut it already.'' I laughed at his reaction , he is so cute at times.

''I am fine just go back to class D.''

''I would drag you back with me.''

''How about you Drag Steve instead.''

''Are you taunting me? Are you jealous?''

''No.. I am just saying why would you need me now?''

''I can't believe it ,  Mendoza junior is jealous!''

''I am not, just go away.'' 

''Okay I will go only if you agree.''

''Agree on what?''

I cleared my throat and got down on one knee , it looked so dramatic and funny at the same time , this is fun. ''Will you Mr Keith Mendoza go to prom with me?"

He was absolutely dumbfounded and confused which made the whole scene even better than I expected. 

''What?? But Steve just asked you and you took his bouquet.''

''And I turned him down this he gave me as a friend. We are good friends and please accept fast because my knee is hurting.''

''Jeez. I would be honored to accompany you to the prom  Miss Danner.'' He said while pulling me up from my hand , he was smiling sheepishly and just couldn't stop smiling.

''Why did you not ask me? And how dare you sacrifice me just like that? you were going to give me up just for Steve, you are such a jerk!!''

''I was afraid you would say no and When I did eventually come to ask you Steve was already there asking you out. I just didn't know what to do.''

''You are so stupid and coward , just admit it.''

''NO I AM NOT!'' 

''Yes you are... By the way there is some great news I want to tell you but you have to keep it a secret.''

''Yes tell me I am already excited to hear it I promise I won't tell it to anybody.''

''You know the police officers appointed to find my sister... Not only they promised to find Molly , they are also going to adopt me!!'' I jumped with excitement and I really wanted to just move out of my aunt's house as soon as I can.

''That's great!! This is very unexpected but I am so happy for you D, no wonder you are in a good mood today , normally you walk around like a zombie.''

''You just want to make fun of me whenever you get a chance. I hate you , I take my proposal back.''

''No no no no I was joking, this is so unfair you get to call me coward and I can't call you zombie?"

''No you can't.''

''Wait I just realized.. does this mean I am your boyfriend?'' He smirked at me.

''I didn't propose you to become my boyfriend . So you are just my back up prom date.''

''I am ready to become a back up too as long as it is with you.''

''Here comes the cheesy flirting..Kill me.''

''Die in my love.''


EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now