Chapter 167 : False Sense of Security

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The Wind clones tried dodging the incoming water needles, but there was no room as they were too densely packed. The Shadow clone escaped underground. Mokuami weaved more hand signs and slammed his hands on the lake.

'Water Release: Corrosive Liquid jutsu'

The water from the lake began spreading above the ground for hundreds of meters. This water was corrosive and harmful. If it came in contact with a ninja, it would begin feeling an itch over their body. However, if it hit a clone, the clone would be dispelled.

Mokuami observed as he thought, 'Though we made this jutsu to counter the ninjas who hide underwater, it also works for those who hide underground. Now that clone will be trapped there.'

He began planning his escape. Meanwhile, Fujin's clone frowned. He thought, 'What a troublesome opponent! He managed to neutralize my clones very easily. Still, all his fighting plans are based on the assumption that I don't know Lightning jutsus. A strong current through the water will reverse the battle situation. Unfortunately, I have to keep it hidden.'

The clone made a hand sign. A Wind clone appeared behind it containing half his chakra.

The remaining half of his chakra gathered on the clone's fist. He punched the ground above him diagonally.

A shockwave was sent through the ground. It hit the underwater walls of the lake and sent stones flying at Mokuami who had just relaxed his guard slightly. Around 4-5 stones hit him.

Unfortunately, the speed of the stones wasn't fast enough to make them lethal. Their speed was further reduced by the water.

Though the stones barely hurt him, his instincts were screaming. He quickly made a barrier in the direction from where the stones came.

The Shadow Clone's punch had created a small but linear hole. The Wind clone used Infinite Breakthrough jutsu and poured all its chakra into it. However, unlike the usual Infinite Breakthrough jutsu that spread for dozens, even hundreds of meters wide, this one travelled in a narrow hole. It almost looked like a Wind Spear.

The Wind jutsu hit the barrier hard. As the impact was only on a small area, the entire barrier was pushed back.

Mokuami controlled the barrier and made it turn slightly to divert the direction of the jutsu. However, the wind spear pierced through the barrier.

Fortunately, he managed to change the direction slightly. The spear passed through the side of his abdomen, cutting a half-inch semicircle through his right side.

Mokuami watched in shock as the left side of his abdomen began bleeding profusely! He thought, 'Who the fuck is that kid? And which jutsus did he use to do something like this?'

However, he stopped thinking about Fujin and began thinking about his own vulnerable situation, 'They have an Inuzuka! He will smell my blood. Hiding has become a hundred times more difficult now!'

He removed all his clothes as they all had some blood on them. He used the water to clean the wound. Once the wound was cleaned, he lit a fire and burned the wound to stop the bleeding. He gritted his teeth due to the pain. The fire cauterized the wound and stopped bleeding.

He applied some bandages over the burned area and made a hand sign. Four water clones appeared around him. Each of them picked up some of the bloody clothes and ran in different directions.

Mokuami ran in another direction without bothering to wear any clothes. He ensured that he left no trail behind. After moving some distance, he hid underground and used seals to hide properly.

The last set of clones clashed with Korenaga, but they were defeated promptly. Fujin, who was chasing Rikyu, received the memories of his two shadow clones. He analyzed, 'These guys are tough. I don't think this mission is rank B anymore.'

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