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Hiya people!
This is Adi with another one shot, I've seen I start to get views and I'm really excited about it.
Yesterday when I was binge watching friends like every normal person on the summer holidays I can across the scene of Monica and Chandler first time together, and thought what it would look like with these two. So sit back and enjoy 😊
Today was Fiona and Sean wedding day, after the last one not being a very successful. They decided to have it today and finally tying the note (without Frank any near by to ruin it all).
The night before they decided to have a get together in Patsy's being the place the two first met. They have invited all of their friends and family including the Milkovich's as Mickey and Mandy being Lip's date and Mickey just tagged along being Ian's best friend for the past while long.
As the speeches want on about how perfect they were for each other and all of that and blah blah blah basically. Ian and Mickey set together with beers in each of their hand chatting as an a man around fourties' came to them. 'Fiona is such a wonderful girl' he smiled he looked a bit tipsy, but so much. 'Thanks' Ian smiled as Mickey took a sip from his beer. Then when Mickey put his beer down the guy looked at Ian with amazement 'wow you must have been really young when you had her' he said then walked away stumbling through the door. Ian just stared at him and Mickey cracked out. 'Omg' he said. 'Yeah, whatever this guy had I want it too' Mickey smirked then seeing Ian's look forming from the guy's word. 'What?' Mickey asked confused why Ian even gave a shit about them. 'Do I look old?' he asked out of breath. 'What?! Hell no, that guy didn't even know what he was talking about he was clearly on something' Mickey pointed out. 'You are not old man' he said lastly. 'Please I'm single dad to a thirty year old girl' Ian said taking another sip of his beer and sitting back.
Later that day, Mickey was chilling in his room, smoking a cigarette and watching whatever was on as a knock interrupted him. He quickly put his cigarette away and opened the door surprised the find Ian standing there looking drunk out of his ass. 'Ian?' he asked. 'Hey' he said shyly as Mickey opened the door wildly for him to enter the room. 'What are you doing here?' he asked after all it was midnight and the guy never past his bed time around eleven or so. Without even noticing Ian made his way close towards Mickey and connected their lips in a chest kiss. Mickey quickly pulled apart not wanting to take advantage of the boy in front of him. 'How drunk are you?' Mickey asked. 'Drunk enough knowing I wanna do it- not so drunk you'll feel guilty to take advantage' Ian explained. Mickey thought for a second.
He did have a crush on the red head in front of him for a while, but he was too afraid to admit. Or too afraid to get rejected by Ian.
And then he was like.
'You know what fuck it' Mickey cursed pushing Ian against the mattress.
The next day as Mickey woke up, his vision was blurry, he rubbed his hands against his eyes and then when he felt a body shifting next to him. He looked aside surprised to find a certain red head next to him. As the events of last night came back to his memory slowly he smiled to himself.
'Mick?' Ian said as he felt someone staring at him and he woke up from his sleep. 'What time is it?' He asked blinking a bit to get adjust for the light in room. Mickey looked a side and read the time. 'Nine thirty' he responded. Ian nodded and laid down next to him, Mickey smiled and cuddled to his side brushing his hand through his hair. Causing Ian to shiver a bit from the touch but quickly relaxing to feel Mickey smiling at him. 'Who would thought that the badass Milckovich would be all cuddly in the next day' Ian smirked as Mickey just rolled his eyes but smiled at him. Their mood got cut off by a knock on the door. 'Yo Mick wake up it almost the reception' Mandy called. When Mickey didn't respond too freaking out of the thought that someone may have heard them. It's not like he was afraid too he was seen with a guy. He was out and all, but the thought of Mandy hearing them being all cuddly killed him from the inside. 'Mad's I'm here, we are awake' Ian called from the inside of the room. 'Oh good I was just on my way to your room, you probably should get down like in ten before you would be both dead' she called and then walked away. Mickey sigh in relief. 'I guess we gotta go' Ian said and Mickey only nodded shifting to his side of the bed not wanting to look at Ian's naked body.
As people were dancing around, Ian was sitting with lip sharing a smoke. Looking over Fiona and Sean dancing around swaying through the dance floor. As Lip took a smoke off his lips he looked over Ian's neck that was cover with hickeys. 'Hot night?' he asked smirking pointing to his brother neck. Ian in confused took out his phone and looked at his neck. 'Shit' he cursed passing his hands through his bruised neck. Then he stoped looking over Mickey to find the exact same trace of hickey's on his neck. With wide eyes and a blush face he ran over to the man that was chatting with his sister. 'Hey can I borrow him for a sec?' Ian asked and Mandy nodded. 'I'm gonna catch up with Lip, but you gotta tell me later who was the mysterious guy' she smirked and walked away to Lip's direction. 'I guess she saw the hickey's' he said sitting down next to Mickey on the bar stool chair. 'Yeah scorpion what do you think?' Mickey said causing Ian to smirk at the nickname then he moved his collar of the shirt away revealing much more bruised neck line. 'And I'm the scorpion huh?' he grinned as Mickey looked in shock at his neck. 'Fuck' Mickey cursed moving his hand through the love bites.
As Mickey reached his jaw line their eyes locked for a second and they both quickly looked away chuckling. 'You know we have a few hours until the wedding it self' Ian smirked. 'What a romantic' Mickey rolled his eyes and moved to his bedroom.
A few hours later and a lot of sex, they were both getting back to their suits. Mickey was standing in front of mirror fixing his messy hair with some water as Ian snuck behind him putting his hands over his shoulder. Mickey tensed for a second before calming down to Ian's touched. 'You look cute Mick' he smiled kissing his neck causing Mickey to moan out loud 'Fuck Ian'. Ian started to kiss more and more down his neck leaving some new hickey's around his necks . When he pulled away he smirked towards Mickey and walked away. 'Fuck you Gallagher'.
When he finished his hair and was satisfied with the result, he moved away towards Ian that was sitting in bed with his phone in hand. 'How much time do we have left' he asked. Ian looked at his phone. 'Like half an hour' Ian responded putting down his phone and bringing Mickey to a hug. Mickey quickly melted through his touch. He was used to hug the redhead but after the last couple of days it was different. He felt different and he hoped Ian felt it too. When Ian broke the hug first he didn't moved just stare at Mickey. 'I like you know that' Ian acknowledged him causing Mickey to quirk his eyebrows. 'You do?' He asked.
'You didn't known?' he asked as Mickey shook his head. 'Wow Mick you are such oblivious sometimes' he laughed and Mickey chuckled.
'I like you too'
'You do?' Ian asked.
'And I'm the oblivious one' Mickey snorted and laughed bringing Ian close for a kiss. The kiss slowly got more and more heated so they had to break it before anything would happen.
'How about we will go together?' Ian asked.
'I thought we already supported to go together' Mickey said as Ian shook his head.
'As a couple idiot'
'Ooh-you want that?' Mickey asked confused why Ian would agree to date him when he can have anyone in the world.
'I would love too' he smiled taking Mickey's hand in his. 'Alright'.
Then hand in hand they made their way towards the wedding standing like that close to one another all through the wedding. Some even questioned the sudden affection between them. And they would always say. 'It's all New-York's fault'.
that was 😫
Hope you liked it like I did
Love ya ❤️

My soul mate- Gallavich one shot :)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt