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Intro: two detectives who find themselves on a stakeout date.
"Gallagher, come here for a second," the captain called to his office. Ian stood up from his chair and made his way towards him.
"What can I help you with?" he asked, looking over at the man.
"The stakeout for your case. About," he started, and they stopped to look over the file name, "The Clement Case: Tell Me About It."
"Well, as you know, Mark Clement is a very unpleasant guy who loves to stab every person who doesn't come the right way in the morning. Last night, as you know, he stabbed his best friend Dave, who was kind of a douchebag."
"Detective," the captain interrupted.
"Anyway, the guy is dead, and I believe that he wants to get mad at his longtime partner Fox, and show him his way back to hell," he said, and he nodded.
"Good, I want you to work with Milkovich on that."
"God, why?" he yelled, sitting down in the chair in front of him.
"He is experienced and has been working on a similar case like that."
"Can't I just work on it with Warn?" he said.
"No, and that is final; dismiss," he demanded, and Ian left again.
He walked towards his desk, picked up the big ass file, and dropped it in front of his new partner.
"What's that?" the man asked.
"Ryan put you with me on the stakeout for the Clement case."
"God why?" He groans in anger. "Don't get it wrong; it's not like I've got a problem with you."
"Sure," Ian replied, "let's just go."

"So what are we supposed to do exactly? And why do I need to wear these clothes?" Mickey asked, straightening his bow tie.
"So one of Mark's favorite places to drop his bomb is at the Albert."
"That piece of sh*t? why?" Mickey asked with a quirky expression.
"Good food, I guess. Now, he should meet Fox in there, and we are going to make sure that he won't snap his throat out by dessert.
"What kind of criminal does that over dinner in a place like that and in front of an audience?"
"He owns the restaurant, Mick," he pointed out, and Mickey scoffed at him, closing his locker and starting to make his hair.
"Stabbing people in his own place and then he can clean off evidence, smart," Mickey smirked as Ian rolled his eyes and moved to grab two little microphones that were attached to their shirts and clapped them behind the collars of their shirts.
"What's that for?"
"Recording the place for evidence," Ian explained, finishing the recording, and then moving to get the headphones.
"Don't forget the headphones," he said, throwing them at him so he would put them in.
"I thought it was only the two of us," he pointed out, putting it in his ear.
"I asked Barry to wait for us at the van in case we needed backup."
"I'm offended, Gallagher. You got me and still need a backup?"
"Shut up, asshole, let's go."

They arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later, seeing a beautiful place with not so many people inside chatting with each other. But the most interesting thing about it was the big sign at the entrance.
Saying 'lgbtq+ night', Ian smirked and took Mickey's hand in his.
"No way, I ain't even gay," Mickey hissed, pulling his hand away from Ian.
"Sure," he replied. "I saw you checking me out earlier when we got dressed, you know." He smirked at him and then moved towards his ear. "I can tell you I did the exact same thing," making Mickey blush.
He shook his head at the silly man and moved them towards the restaurant.

"Hey, table for two," he smiled at the host.
"Depends... are you two a couple?" He asked, and as proof, he kissed Mickey on the lips.
"I'll set a table for you two," he smiled and moved towards the sitting area as the two followed behind.

"That looks promising," Ian said as he set them down and took Mickey's hand in his.
"You're acting gay."
"I'll be gay as much as I want, my love," he smirked, kissing the back of his hand as Mickey rolled his eyes in reply.
"So when will this guy come already?"
"I don't know; we'd have to see," Ian smirked.

Half an hour in, they ordered some drinks and started to talk about work and stuff. They saw Mark walk inside with a young man by his side.
"Well, he got a taste." Ian smiled as he watched the two interact.
Then suddenly, they saw Fox. An angry-looking Fox stumbled towards him with what looked like a sharp object.
"Shit. It's going time." They both quickly got up from their places, pulling their guns out.
"Drop the weapon, CPF!" they both yelled, aiming their guns at Fox.
He quickly dropped down the sharpener. Mickey stumbled toward Fox and handcuffed him, and before he managed Fox somehow got another blade and almost stabbed Mickey, Ian used his gun to shoot the blade down as Mickey pushed him down the floor.
"If you try that again, you'll not see more daylight in your life," he threatened. He pulled him up with the handcuffs and started to make his way with the guy to the police car outside for Barry.
But before he managed, Mark pulled his own gun out and shot Fox dead.
"Now you can take him," Mark smirked, raising his hands up in the air. Ian got behind him and handcuffed him.
"Mark Clements You're under arrest for so many things that I can't count anymore. You're coming with us to spend your time.
"Gladly," he replied, allowing Ian to take him in, then stopping with him in front of Mickey and the body of Fox.
"The EMT is coming."
"On their way," Mickey replied.

Later that day, when they were on their way to the station to fill up the paperwork, Mickey spoke again.
"Next time, when you want to take me out, are you taking it off with no more dead bodies, please?"
"So now you want to go out with me?" he asked.
"As long as there is no more death around us and you are too gay about it,"
"Baby, for you, I'd always be too gay about it," Ian smiled.

Hi guys hope you all doing alright and stay safe!!
I just want to say a big fucking thank you to all of you.
Just over four months ago I started to publish this book and we are almost at 13k readers!
I've no idea how's that possible but I can't thank you enough!
A big fucking love ya to all of you❤️

My soul mate- Gallavich one shot :)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant