Glitter tattoo

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Yo people, what's up?
I hope you are doing well and stay safe. This one shot is inspired by a day when me and my family visited the amusement park and I got a glitter tattoo because, why the fuck no? (You have a picture at the bottom if you don't know what it is.)
I hope you will like this one.
It was a long day at the office for Mickey, from one meeting to another, barely having time to get a bite of the lunch Iann had packed for him the previous night with the help of Nixe.
As he pulled to the driveway of their house, he smiled as he saw Nixe running towards him, yelling his name for the world to know. That's why he always wanted to come home after a long day at the office and be welcomed back by his partner and kid. And with the years going by and he and Ian getting married and having Nixe, he can't be made happy.
"Hey Pixie!" He smiled, picking her up from the ground and kissing her forehead. "How's my favourite girl?".
"Dad, I'm your only girl," she laughed, lowring her head to his shoulder.
"I guess you're right about this, Pix," he said, smiling back and moving the two of them to the doorway.
"And here is my favourite boy." Ian smiled, kissing him on the lips, before taking Nixe in his hand and allowing him to walk inside safely without stumbling over some toys that Nixe most likely left on the ground, though Ian had told her to pick them up at least three times.
"How was work?"
"You know, as always, Louise being a bitch and Simon trying to kiss ass."
"You know, I still don't like that kid."
"He is harmless; don't worry about it, Gallagher," he promised, kissing Ian softly on the lips.
"Daddy, can I show you what dad got me today?"
"Sure, go get it, Nixe." He told the girl, and she nodded excitedly towards her bedroom to get her new glitter tattoo kit.
"What's that?" Mickey asked, confused, pointing at the kit. He saw some glitter isnide, which would mostly likely create a mess in the house.
"It's a glitter tatto kit; dad got it for me today!" She grinned, stabbing the stool and setting the kit on the kitchen counter in front of him. "Oh, daddy, I can do one for you! Dad taught me how to do that!" She excelled. "I can show you how! Get me your hand!" His eyes widened as Ian grinned evilly, knowing that Mickey would never say no to her. Even so, it would stay in his hand for a couple of days. It's very hard to say no to such a cute kid.
He put his hand over the counter and said, "Wait, what about your dad? Doesn't he get one as well for work tomorrow?".
"Already have mine on, babe," Ian replied, pulling on his sleeve and showing off his purplish butterfly and honey bee. Damn, if he gets this, what is Mickey going to get?

Nixe quickly liked through all her palates until she found what she was saving for him. A unicorn.
"Oh no, no, no!! Not happening"
"But daddy, please, you promised," she begged, crossing her tiny arms around her chest and giving him the best puppy eyes.
"Fine," he sighed as she smiled happily.
"Dad, give me the glue!" She commanded, and he nodded, "Ay ay cap.".

She applied the unicorn shape to his arm and then carefully applied the glue.
"What colours do you want, Daddy?"
"What colour do you have, Pixie?"

The next day, when Mickey showed up with a pink and purple unicorn over his shoulder, no one questioned him. Too afraid of the man. But Mickey didn't care; he had a unicorn over his hand ; he only cared that Nixe loved it.

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