Gay pride

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It's that time of the year again when all the queer people, men, and women from all around the world, gather together to celebrate their love for each other and with each other.
Ian since he was a kid always would look at the man and woman walking down the street with admiration loving themselves and who they are with.
He has always dreamed of doing the same thing with his loved one. Walking down Chicago's streets holding hands with his man, colored in all the pride colors and wearing a fucking crop top stating his love for the mankind.
This year he finally fulfilled his dream. He finally had a boyfriend to walk down this pride parade. But Mickey was being Mickey and didn't like the idea at all.
'Please Mick' he begged, staring at the stubborn man in front of him. They were right now at the Gallagher's household, just chilling until Ian noticed the day May 31. Which means pride was tomorrow.
Which means he needs to convince him, and maybe drag him along.
'No way Gallagher, I hate this idea from the first place' Mickey responded. Ian shook his head, climbed on top of Mickey's lap, and looked at his eyes.
'If you will come with me I promise you that-' he then moved his mouth to Mickey's ear and whispered in his ear as he kissed his earlobe.
'You promise?' Mickey asked and Ian nodded.
'Do I have to wear a crop top though? I know it's your dream to walk with it '
'No, you don't have to do anything, just come with me' Ian smiled at him and Mickey softly nodded.
'REALLY?! you'd come?' he asked excitedly.
'Yeah, I would come with you' Mickey said feeling smug with the look of excitement on his boyfriend's face.

As he promised the following day they woke up around 9 am, Ian had made them some snacks to go and choose their outfits. He pulled for himself a purple crop top half showing his naked body underneath it. Matching alongside some purple sweatpants. For Mickey he pulled on his red Hawaiian shirt a white tank top under it, and a pair of black jeans.
'Oh you weren't kidding about that crop top,' Mickey said, walking inside the room with a towel around his waist, smirking at his boyfriend.
'You like that?' Ian asked, walking closer towards Mickey.
'You look hot, the rest is just a bonus' Mickey smirked.
'Shut up' Ian responded, throwing the clothes at Mickey for him to get dressed.
Half an hour later, they were both ready with everything packed nicely. They went out of the door and walked down the street finding people already dressed in pride clothes.
Ian with a grin on his face smiled over Mickey and interlocked their hands together.
As they arrived halfway down the street, they found a booth with a woman dressed as a drag queen ready to paint people for the right price.
'And what we got here' she smirked, motioning for the two boys. They stepped up closer and Ian smiled at her.
'How much for a painting?' he asked.
'Five for each but for a couple I'm down for two' she replied.
'Definitely a couple' he smiled, kissing Mickey's cheek causing him to blush slightly.
'Oh aren't you the cutest?' she smiled. 'Come come, redhead sit down you by his side' They both sat down in the matching chairs colored in the pride colors as well.
'Both of you gay right?' she asked, holding the paintbrush in her right hand as they nodded.
'Awesome!' she squirreled. She then started to paint on both of their cheeks the gay flag with its beautiful colors. Then she moved to Ian's left cheek coloring a red heart over it while on Mickey's other cheek, she did the pride flag. When she finished and Mickey saw his look in the mirror he wanted to wipe it away as fast as he could and deny everything related to it. But, when he saw the look on his boyfriend's face he could make himself do so. He was grinning from ear to ear like a little kid.
'This is beautiful! Thank you so much
'Do you want me to take a picture of you two?' she asked nicely and Ian eagerly nodded at her, pulling Mickey closer to him and pulling both of his hands over his shoulder as Mickey looked at him with admiration.
Maybe it wasn't what he was used to, to walk down the street holding a boy's hand, happy about their love and being themselves without anyone judging him. But seeing the look on Ian's face was worth it.

I have to say when I first saw this picture on Pinterest (yes I'm kind of addicted to this app sue me) I had this idea coming into my mind.
Because love is fucking love
And I don't give a shit what others would think
Love ya❤️

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