Midterm call

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Intro: Mickey is a famous actor and during his interview, he gets a call from Ian and their daughter wishing him good luck
"Mickey Milckovich everyone" Jimmy introduced as the audience cheered along welcoming him on the stage. Mickey waved at the audience and smiled taking his place on the couch.

"Man, it's so great to see you thank you for coming" Jimmy spoke.
"Thanks for having me" he smiled back as the audience cheered again
"I think they are happy I'm here".

"So you started to shoot your new TV show 'One Destiny' How does it feel like?" Jimmy asked.
"Man it's great" he started but got cut off by his phone ringing.
"Oh sorry" he apologized and took out his phone to turn it off but when he saw it was Ian he smiled.
"It's my husband" he informed Jimmy with quickly replied, "Answer him I'ven't seen him in a while".

Mickey answered the call FaceTime call and in front of him appeared the faces of Ian and their daughter Mila.
"Daddy" she called smiling at the sight of her dad.
"Oh hey pumpkin, how are you?" Mickey asked her smiling.
"We want to wish you good luck, Daddy"
"Both of us" Ian added grinning at his husband "You are not on already aren't you?" he asked.
Mickey chuckled softly and turned his phone so the audience could see the two as they cheered along.

"Oh hey everyone well good luck babe we love you" Ian spoke as Mickey chuckled
"Love you Daddy" Mila added blowing a kiss to her father.
When Ian was about to hang up Jimmy spoke again "Actually, mind if I steal those two?" Mickey passed the phone to Jimmy and watched.

"Ian! Hey! How's it going bud?" Jimmy asked "Hey Mila" he smiled at the little girl who waved at him.
"Daddy can we say hello?" she asked her dad.
"I don't honey we are home and daddy is in there" Ian explained to the little girl.
"No! I want my daddy" she called running away from the screen and jumping on Mickey's back from behind he jumped in his place and then calmed down and brought
the little girl to sit on his lap.
As he was about to speak the voice of her other father echoed through the room.
"Mila Gallavich! You are not supposed to jump on your dad like that" he called as the little girl tucked his tongue at him and cuddled close to her dad.
"And you are not supposed to interrupt me during the interview Gallagher" Mickey called and Ian chuckled stepping close to his husband and kissing his cheek as the audience cheered along.
"Well, she started I just joined along" Ian smirked sitting by Mickey's side.
"Yes, you are" Mickey replied.

Hey people sorry for no posting on a regular basis like usually I'm kinda busy right now
Hope you all doing okay
Love ya❤️

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