The royal family- part 2

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Wow, I'm so glad I'm back. You have no idea what a week it has been, but I finally managed to write the second part! After my phone decided to die on me on Sunday morning, it finally came back to life. very fun week, very so, as promised, part two people!!
"I'd be straight forward with you, Mikhailo. You've got two options in here: either you're doing a public speech explaining that this photo was fake and getting married to Svetlana, or you'd be joining a conversation camp until you're cured. So what is it going to be?" He asked, looking at Mickey, who knew he had no other choice.
The follow-up week was the busiest in the palace in a while. After Terry coughed at Mickey, they moved the wedding to the weekend.
On Monday, they went clothes shopping, and while Svetlana was trying on whatever type of dress she thought was the prettiest one, Mickey was in the store next door with the heavy security trying to find a suit to wear.
"Can I help you with anything?" a voice behind him asked. As he turned around, he was met with a nice-looking girl in her 30s.
"Hey, yeah, I'm looking for a wedding suit for me," he explained.
"Of course," she smiled cheerfully. "Follow me, please, crown prince." She moved them through the millions of suits they had in the store, all in different shades. Blue, black, white—whatever could be matched with the bride—you name it, they have it. He moved slowly between the suits, observing the colors and shades.
"I like this black one," he said, pointing at the suit.
"I'll get it right away for you, large, right?" He nodded, and she moved away to get it for him. He looked back at the suits as he lit up for a message.

Gallagher_redhead: Mickey, can we talk? Gallagher_redhead: Please, it won't take too long. I know you're busy with the wedding and all. Mikhailo_Aleksandr_Milkovich: Meet me at "Verdinon" in twenty; it's two blocks away from yours.
Gallagher_redhead: On my way

"Oh god, why did I agree?" he mumbled under his breath as he pretended to keep on looking at the suits. He can't have Ian in here, possibly leading some paparazzi their way and getting Mickey caught. And possibly getting him killed if Terry finds out.
"Crown prince, your suit is ready for you in the dressing room," the woman explained, and he nodded, moving towards the dressing room. Inside was waiting for him various amounts of suits of all colors and shades. But he didn't care; all that was on his mind was Ian. The redhead boy has captured his heart since the moment they first met. And now he must say goodbye to him. He pulled on one of the suits he saw that looked nice to him and walked out of the dressing room when he saw Ian walking past the window, but was stopped immediately by the guards at the entrance.
"Let him come in, Mark!" Mickey commanded as the guy let Ian into the store. "Let's talk outside," he says to Ian as he nods and then moves on to an ally outside with Mark standing close to them.
"I can't let you do this, Mickey; I can't let you marry her. I know it's insane and that we only know each other for a short period of time, but come on! You can't marry a girl!"
"I can, and I'll! You don't know shit about me; you can't just come in here and say shit like that. I can make my own choices."
"Not like that! When you're making a mistake like that, that can affect us both."
"We are not a couple."
"I want us to be."
"You don't get to choose that," he yelled back.
"Mickey, you're," Ian started taking a hold of Mickey's hand. "the one for me?" He smiled, stroking his hand with his fingers. "And I know that deep down you feel the same way about me. In that short period of time that we have known each other, I learned to read you like an open book, and I thought you tried to stay close. I learned to recognize when you are sad, when you're happy, when you're anxious, and when you're terrified, like right now." He smiled softly, moving his gaze toward Mickey's, who pretended the ground was much more important than what Ian was saying.
"Come with me, Mickey, so you can be free from this world you're living in, we can have a life together, and you can have a normal life with me or with anyone else. I don't care. I want you safe and away from here. Away with me."
"You know I can't do this," he mummbled under his breath, but it was still loud enough, so Ian heard. "I can just come out into the world and be the prince, still with my dad still in the crown."
"You don't have to come out, Mickey; never. That's your own choice. What you do have to do is decide: do you want to marry this girl and leave a miserable life together until your dad parks out, or do you want to come with me and live your life the way you want it to be? No palace, no monocracy, nothing of that shit."
"What do you say?" he asked, lastly looking at him only with hope and hoping that whatever he was going to say next would make his day.
But he didn't say anything; he just smiled in sympathy at Ian and slowly walked away. Ian looked at him with disbelief. But as stubborn as he had been since being born, he had a plan ahead.
You see, he knew that Mickey wouldn't agree on a spot to a runaway opperation when he was about to get hitched, but he knew that he would come around eventually.
That's why he had bought two plane tickets to Mexico, where he hoped he would be staying with Mickey for a long time. All that was left was to wait.
Meanwhile, as Ian was packing his belongings in a suit case, Mickey was pacing back and forth in the groom's room, almost carving a hole in the wood-covered floor.
"Mick, it's almost time," Mandy said, knocking on the door and making her way inside.
"Are you alright?" she asked softly, making him stand in one place.
He shook his head softly, tears forming in his baby blue eyes. "I can't do this," he whispered softly.
"What can't you do, Mick?"
"I-I-I-I can't marry her, Mad's; I can't marry Svetlanna." He spoke slowly, lowering his gaze and moving to take a seat on the couch.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked, and he shook his head. "Talking might help you get your mind in one piece."
He took a breath before opening his mouth to say, "It's him; I can't do this; I can't let him leave."
"Who him?"
"Ian," Mickey said, the name of the man who hasn't left his head in such a long time. His name is like music to his ears—so soft and genuine, just like him. Mandy nodded and then pulled out her phone, quickly typing something in it before showing her screen to Mickey.
"Is that your man?" She smiled, and he blushed.
"You got good taste, Mickey, hot even."
"Shut up," he chukled, and she gigled.
"Where is he now?"
"On his way to Mexico, as far as I know," he said, and she elbowed him straight to the ribs.
"AND YOU'RE STILL IN HERE?" Mandy called, standing up and pulling Mickey to his feet.
"You're going! and you're fucking going now!"
"And what about dad?"
"Screw him! You are fucking going," she yelled, then moved towards the cube that was next to the door and pulled out a duffled bag, throwing it on him and pushing him to the door.
"I don't know what airport he is at. What gate?"
"I called you a cab to the airport; you'd meet Ian in there."
"But what about dad?"
"He will marry the whore; he is already in love with her or some shit," she shurried. He pulled the duffled bag over his shoulder and hugged her like he never had in his life. He owes his life to her; she miraculously saved his life today.
As he arrived at the gate and saw Ian waiting for him outside, as he knew that they would meet again, he just smiled like he never did before. He moved towards Ian and took his hand in moving them closer to a normal life together.

Ten years later...
After running away from the wedding, Ian and Mickey kept a low profile. The story of the prince disappearing on the day of his wedding was all over the news for at least two months until they moved on to Mandy's disappearance, which joined the two in New Jersey a few months later without letting anyone know.
When they got there, they settled into a nice home close by Mandy and lived the life that Ian had promised him to have.
So no, Ian might never be a prince and Mickey would never be a king, but who needs all of this when you have your soulmate close to you, hand in hand, for the rest of your life?

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