The drug dealer and the bodyguard

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Promot: Mickey is a drug dealer and Ian is looking for a job, and evenly finds himself as the boy's bodyguard thought Mickey's resistant
'Yo Mickey' Colllin, one of Mickey's older brothers, called him from his room at the Milckovich household. 'What?' Mickey asked, making his way towards his brother's room.
As he walked inside he saw a redhead boy standing in the middle of the room dressed in a black suit and dress shoes giving him the look of a Russian spy. And Mickey couldn't tear his eyes off that hot-sparkly body.
Like hot damn!
'Who's that?' He asked sounding board incurious about the hall situation, but just wanted to put his hands on his body and blow him after seeking a peek of his man hood.
'That's Ian Gallagher, and he is going to be your new bodyguard,' Collin introduced.
Bodyguard huh? Mickey thought to himself
'I don't need a damn bodyguard, no offense red' Mickey responded looking over the so-called Ian. 'Yes you do asshole-after the last time,you definitely need one and Ian happened to be free to work for an asshole like you-so man up and be nice to the guy'' with that Collin walked out of the room leaving Mickey and Ian by themselves.

The very next day the Gallagher boy showed up at eight am to the Milkovich resident. After Terry managed to get swapped back to the Can he left his boys in charge of his drugged business and Mnady as the responsible of the household. And in just a week she has managed to turn their shit hole excuse for a house into a living estate.
Ian knocked on the family door, greeted by a grumpy Mickey.
'The fuck do you want?' he asked.
'Collin said I need to be here at eight am every morning, so here I am,' he responded.
'I'm gonna kill him' Mickey said, opening the door so Ian could come inside. Ian walked inside the house and closed the door behind him and stood in front of it crossing his hands around his chest as Mickey started to make his way towards the kitchen.
'You know you are not supposed to stand there all day long' he called putting two pieces of toast into the toaster. He glared at the boy that kept on standing still not bothering to listen to him.
'Great' he murmured under his breath.

As the days went by Mickey grew more complicated with the shadow of the redhead boy behind him. He was everywhere, not leaving his side for a damn second. Even when he would go to the bathroom he would follow him behind like a lost puppy dog. This routine has followed up in the same way for weeks. Ian would show up at the house every day at exactly eight am, with the same black suit and dress shoes that he had worn since the first time he met the boy following him everywhere, and anywhere he would go and be.

Three weeks into this arrangement Mickey found himself trying to escape from him. Just to get some alone time. But every time, Ian managed to find him in no time.
So Mickey had thought about a better way to get the redhead away.
On Sunday morning after a little business trip he made with Iggy to Ohio to deal with fuck head that forgot to pay his debt. He decided to ditch Iggy at the house and get out the window to the some abandoned house next door. He quickly jumped through the broken window and made his way inside. He sat down on the cold wood floor and took out his packet of cigarettes and put one between his lips. As he took a long drag from it he heard footsteps coming his way.
'Mickey?' the voice called, and he could recognize this voice from a distance, he put his cigarette down and shut it down against the wooden floor making some sound along the way so Ian would know he was there. As Ian came to his sight Mickey smirked and stood up.
'How did you find me?'
'I have my ways.. and a tracking app on your phone'
'Bitch' Mickey called, not in an offensive tone but a smirky one, that sent vibrations through Ian's toned body. He started to make his way closer and closer towards the other man until they were sharing the same air as the other.
'Mickey-' Ian started but got cut off by a pair of lips on his. He stopped in his tracks not knowing how to respond to Mickey kissing him. It's not like he didn't know what to do, he had kissed a man before, but with Mickey it certainly felt different. A good different.
Like their lips were made for each other, for their bodies to be pressed together in this way. Fitting perfectly in every angel.
They moved to lay on the wooden floor as Ian got on top of Mickey. Their clothes fastly found their place on the ground as Ian took out a condom.
'You got any lube?'
'Na, use your spit'.
With that sentence everything started to move faster, they were pressed to one another creating sensation between them and a study rhyme. Moans filled the room as they both groaned in pleasure. When their orgosma's hitted them Ian pulled off Mickey and laid beside him on the floor. They took some study breaths trying to get down from their high.
'Damn Gallagher' Mickey said, breaking the silence first between them.
'Yeah' Ian breathed out.
They both quickly gathered their clothes back together and left the place back to Mickey's house.

As time went by, Ian and Mickey kept spending time alone at abandoned building getting close to each other in every way they could. And Mickey that tried to find a way to get away from the redhead found himself only missing him more even when he was just 100 feet away from him. He fell for him, something he didn't want too, or planned too.
He would just have to live with it until he can.

And he did.

Until he couldn't anymore.

On November 21 Terry got out of prison. Which meant that Mickey would have to go to the closet, hiding his sexuality like he was used too until Ian came along and managed to pull him out.
The only thing Mickey didn't know was that Terry would come home earlier than he had expected.
'Ugh Ian' Mickey moaned as Ian found his sweet spot.
'Yeah baby you like that dont you' Ian smirked. He didn't manage to get more words out before the door to Mickey's room burst out open and he walked inside.
'MICKEY YOUR FUCKING DEAD' Terry called jumpong on Mickey.
'Fuck' and the shit show began.
Punches and kicks were thrown in the air, blood was sprayed around their clothes and faces. As Terry managed to tackle down Ian Mickey jumped on his back and threw him against the floor getting in position to hit the man again. He gave him some hard punches as much as he could and without a notice a shot was made and Terry passed out on the floor with a puddle of blood around him.
Mickey lifted his head up from the floor seeing Ian holding a gun in his hand.
'Fuck is he dead?' Ian quickly asked, moving towards Terry's body and checking his pulse.
'He is dead-Mickey I' he didn't manage to say another word before he felt Mickey leaning in and kissing him briefly.
'Thank you' he turned towards his dad's lifeless body and smirked. 'See that daddy? I got the fucking hot one in the room and you can't do shit about it' he then turned back towards Ian and smiled.
'Guess I got a good bodyguard'
Wow I took about two day but I finally managed to find an end for this
Hope you have a great day
Love ya ❤️

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