How to be a man?

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So before a ahead, I would like you to be informed that in this one there is going to be mention of abuse, coming out, transgender people, slurs, mpreg (male pregnancy) and beating so if anyone has a problem or feels uncomfortable I suggest skipping this one.
Intro: Mickey was originally born as a girl and he and Ian had been friends forever when Mickey comes out as transgender male and gay he gets kicked out and finds comfort with his best friend and secret keeper.
Mickey Milkovich, 16, a female was living her happy life. She was living with her little sister Mandy and her older brothers. Alongside her father. I'm sorry a piece of ass excuse for a father.
The guy was a total jerk and an asshole towards his children and the whole world.
He was in and out of prison constantly never being too much at home before getting kicked back to prison. The thing he was mostly getting kind for was attacking people on the street specifically queer people. More specifically transgender people according to him were too much of a pussy to be normal humans.
Mickey, on the other hand, was not a fan of his father's behavior. She was a he and a very gay one. That had to hide in a fucking closet because of him.

He had a best friend, Ian.
Ian Gallagher.
He was the reason Mickey discovered the truth about himself. You see, Ian Gallagher was a proud queer male that didn't give a fuck about what others were thinking about him.
Ian was the one who explained to Mickey about the whole gay community when he first came out. When he told him about the term transgender he was shocked to find out that he could identify as a male not as a female as everyone accepted him. Soon later he came out to Ian and started to act more like a guy.
But the little secret had to be kept secret thanks to someone's dad.
They would usually spend their time after school, under the school bleachers talking and hanging around. Mickey would dress differently from his normal clothes to more masculine ones that Ian would bring for him. He would talk differently, act differently, and be his true himself.
But when the clock hit five p.m. and his dad would be usually home around that time he would change back to be a girl and say goodbye to his friend.

That routine went on for months. Mickey and Ian would meet up after school under the bleachers hanging around until five p.m. and then separate each other in their own way.
One day when Mickey and Ian were just hanging around, they suddenly saw a figure coming behind them that they didn't recognize.
'Who's there?' Ian called but saw the figure step up closer with a gun in his hand, their eyes narrowed in fear.
They quickly gathered what they could take with them and started to run away. Mickey was still wearing sneakers so it was more easy for him to run. They quickly jogged to a nearby alley that was dark as night, taking in small breaths trying to come down of their heights.
'Fuck who was that?' Mickey asked looking over Ian.
'I don't know looked like he'd had a gun and-' his words got cut off midway when they heard a person's voice.
'Mickey Milkovich you're a dead meat!' Terry called.
'Shit' Ian called.
'Kiss me
'What?!? Mickey wha-' Ian started but got cut off by a pair of lips on his and a strong hand pulling him closer against the brick wall.
They could hear Terry walking by looking for Mickey but when he didn't see him he skipped away.
Mickey pulled away from Ian's lips first making sure that Terry was gone.
'He is gone' he said and Ian nodded a small blush could be seen on his face.
'Gallagher, are you blushing?' Mickey smirked.
'No' Ian replied trying to get rid of the obvious blush that he had. Mickey chuckled at his silliness and smiled at him.
'And I thought you were 100% homosexual'
'I'm. And you still dress as a boy' he replied looking over Mickey's clothes.
'And my dad didn't kill us? WOW lucky us' they both chuckled.
They stayed their silence until they heard a loud bang from behind them. They turned around to the source of the sound and saw the mother fucker again.
'Run' Mickey called they both again start to run as the sound of gun shooting came behind them scaring the shit out of them both. They ran as fast as they could until Mickey fell on the pavement. Ian quickly bent over to help off the ground but it was too late.
He fell as well close to Mickey after getting shot in the leg twice.
'Mickey' he called trying to crawl towards him. But again he was too late. He already got him.
He started to beat him almost to death. Blood was all over his face and body. He was unconscious by the time it was over, but he still kept going. Ian tried to get up, tried to get to him, but all he saw then was darkness.

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