Daddy and Dadda

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Intro: five years into their marriage Ian and Mickey adopted a little girl from foster care named Amy
'Daddy,daddy,daddy' Amy called running towards Ian as she saw him walking into her class jumping into his embrace. 'Hey baby girl how was school today?' he asked lifting her up from the ground and putting her against his hip. 'Good!!' she called smiling. 'Alright, go get your bag we gotta pick up Dad on the way back' he put her down and she skipped away to grab her bag. As a mother of one of the kids from her class step closer. 'It just be hard raising her alone' she said.
'Oh I'm not alone' he replied.
'Oh, I just thought because it always you or your brother comes pick her up' she said as he looked at her in disgusted.
'Oh no the other man, is my husband actually, Amy's other father' he explained.
'I see, alright, have a good day Mr.Gallavich' she smiled brushing her hand against his. He looked at her in disbelief and disgust before seeing his daughter and smiling again.
'Can we get White Castle today? Please' she begged.
'You don't want more of your dad's cooking?'
'Please no Daddy' she demanded.
'Alright baby let's go get your dad, show we?' he gestured towards her.

As they arrived to Mickey's work place aka Kevin and Veronica's bar.
'Hey love' Mickey called as he entered the car and then kissing Ian briefly and then leaning backwards to kiss Amy's forehead. 'How was school Aimes?' he asked.
'Awesome! We made cards for Father's Day! and Mrs. Bee let me draw for both of you' she smiled pulling out from her bag two cards and handed each for her dad.
'Thank you Amy' they both smiled at her.
Then they drove back home, to get Amy ready for her dance class. They arrived home couple of minutes later, as they sang along to all of Amy's favorite songs lately. Which mostly included the abc song and baby shark which was their parents most hated one, but they stuck with it.
Right now, they were all eating lunch together, because Amy finished early and didn't had time to eat up her lunch so Ian made sure to make her favorite. Half down the meal, Amy started to go again about her day at school.
'And Kai's mom made daddy angry he made that face like after aunt Fiona make that sloppy Jo the other day' Amy said.
'Ian what is she taking about?' Mickey asked.
'Ames why won't you go get your clothes for dance class today?' Ian said looking over the little girl who nodded in excitement running towards her room.
'Kai's mom thought I was a single dad, and when I told her I wasn't, she thought that the other man that always picks up Amy was my brother'
'Ew fuck no!!' Mickey called making the same discussed face that Ian made before.
'And when I told her, that the other man was infect my husband and Amy's other father.. she was like' then he changed his face trying to do an impression of the woman. 'Oh alright have a a nice day Mr.Gallavich... as she brushed her hand against mine and walked away. I almost puked in the middle of the class from her touch' Ian shivered and Mickey laughed.
'What do you laugh about?' Ian asked confused. Mickey stepped up closer towards him pulling him to a hug.
'That's settled, you're Ian Gallavich, are one hundred percent gay as fuck' Mickey chuckled.
'Really?' Ian asked confident, Mickey shook his head and pulled Ian for a kiss. As they were about to get more heated up with each other they heard little footsteps running towards him.
'Daddies I'm ready!!!' she called smiling. The little girl was covered in a full face of make up, a tutu skirt around her waist and a pink leotards underneath it.
'Oh my god' Ian chuckled and Mickey looked over her in disbelief.
'I'm ready to dance!' she called smiling wildly.
Now who could take this away from them. Not a single woman.
And the end finally
I was working in this one all day long and finally managed to finish it up
Have a great day
Love ya ❤️

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