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Hiya people!
So as part of me can't sleep at night with too many ideas in my head, I've come up with a new one.
So who doesn't know there is a tv show called 'the big brother' were a bunch of people locked up in a house for amount of time (I don't watch this tv show a lot so I'm too sure about it) and the last one to leave the house win a million dollar prize.
So sit back and have fun because this one is going to be a long ride 😏
'No fucking way Mnady, I'm not doing that' Mickey spoked taking a sip from his beer.
'Why not Mickey? it can be a huge opportunity for the business and in the end you might even win the million dollar prize!'.
'In what cause? you know I don't like all of this when you gotta talk about fellign and all of that, if you wanna go, go? I aint stopping ya' Mickey said looking over Mandy.
He really didn't like to talk about his feelings and his past and all the things in the middle,  especially on tv. And Mandy, well she was her. She didn't mind expressing how she felt all the damn time without any kind of fear.
'Please Mick it will make me very happy, and you know you can drop off in any second' she said, she moved closer towards him standing closer looking in his eyes. Mickey didn't even bother to look at her, because he knew he would break just from those damn puppy dogs eyes that she is now giving him.
'Fuck fine but Im doing it my way' Mickey declared.
'But no killing,' Mandy said, crossing her hands around her chest.
'Fine....' Mickey sight as Mandy smiled and kissed his cheek skipping away.

Two weeks later, Mickey found himself in the house alongside Mandy. It looked like a rich man's house with tons of cameras circling every corner of the house in a creepy way. He woke up on the first day in, only he and Mandy were in the house and they need now to wait until the rest of the residents will come around. He brushed his teeth and got ready to sit on the couch with Mandy dressed to impress.
'Seriously?' he asked, looking over her very tight dress.
'What? Are you jealous?' she asked, smirking and sitting down.
Then one by one their 'teammates' entered the house each one with a different approach to win the game. The last one to enter the house was a male around Mickey's age, maybe a bit younger, redhead, green eyes and a hot body. The guy introduced himself as Ian Gallagher and smiled at everyone with this goofy smile that made Mickey fall for him on the spot.
'Mick are you  alright?' Mandy asked, shaking him off his little bubble. As he came back to life she saw what he was staring at.
'You got a good taste' she smirked and with that she pushed him on the guy almost knocking them on each other to the ground. As they were both on the ground pressing against each other their eyes locked, like in the movies. When the princess and prince first meet and fall in love on the spot.
Ian's eyes were this olive oil, with sparkles. Mickey was magnificent by them. As he noticed that everyone was staring at them and by everyone there were people on the tv and all the cameras and every damn person in the room.
'Sorry' Mickey said, greeting off Ian and helping him to stand up. The blush on Ian's lips were breathtaking for Mickey.
'I'm Ian'

A week later the two boys start to get along to much Mandy's amuse trying to get more close to Ian to get a maybe a potential boyfriend or a hookup. But after Ian told her he was gay she walked away to find her next target. Ian and Mickey on the other hand were good friends by the end of the second week. They would help each other during some group tasks and talk all through the night about their teammates who banged whom and so on. Until one night when they found themselves talking about theirs families compering who's dad is the worst. 'Na Terry was worst the guy could walk across a gay guy and beat the shit out of him for being himself' Mickey said .
'Shit it kinda mean but I'm happy he is dead' Ian responded.
'Yeah me too, but frank is a long way here so I won!'
'Hell na I win the guy is not even my dad'
'No way Gallagher'
Ian shook his head smirking bit wanting to get to an actual argument with him so he decided to changed the topic.
'So do you have a girlfriend back home?'
'Na-girls never were my type'
'So you're gay?' Ian asked surprised
'You're acting surprised' Mickey smirked. Ian looked down a toothy smile on his face Mickey shook his head and moved closer towards Ian their knees pressing together close.
'What about you got any guy?' Mickey asked looking over Ian who shook his head.
'Good' Mickey murmured with that he tuned his face closer towards Ian and kissed him.
Their lips moved in sync one pressed against the other as they moaned slowly for the touch. Ian put his hand over Mickey's small frame and pulled even closer as it was even possible. But the time they pulled apart from each other they had caused a visible problem in the other pants.
'Shit Ian what are we supposed to do with this now' Mickey asked looking down.
'Know any part of the house that is camera free?'.

'Fuck' Mickey groaned as he felt the hit wave washing his through his body as the friction, continued and their bodies were pressing more tight. Mickey moved a bit and got an amount of Ian's red head hair in his hand and motioning him to get more close to his dick. Ian's head was bobbing up and down licking and biting and kissing all of that took about two minutes before Mickey called. 'I'm close'.
Ian with that moved out of his dick and sat back. 'You're a bottom right?' he asked and Mickey nodded.
He flipped Mickey over to his back and got between his ass cheeks.
He pulled his fingers between them and start to finger fucking him. Mickey was a moaning mess by them he tilted his head back and closed his eyes from the pleasant going through his body.
'Ian' he moaned sending vibrations to Ian's dick. He pulled his finger off and lined up with Mickey's ass pushing his dick all the way inside him. 'Fuck man your huge' Mickey moaned and Ian chuckle starting to push in and out from him.
'I'm close' Mickey spoked as Ian finally reached his prostrate and was able to send Mickey to a moaning mess. Ian have in a few more thrust until releasing his load inside of him while Mickey cum all over his stomach. Ian slowly pulled away from Mickey and pulled his clothes back on and so is Mickey. 'Damn Gallagher should have got you along time ago'.
'So I guess we are doing this again?'
'Fuck yeah' Mickey smirked.

And they did more than once, it was now their getaway from their teammates when things got to heated. They thought that no one knew about their little arrangement with each other 'releasing steams' as Mickey once said. But they both knew it was more than that. One day as Ian was a wake from his nap with a morning wood he walked over to Mickey's bed seeing the guy awake with some book in his hand. How Mandy managed to get him to read gif only knows but the book was actually really good so he didn't give a shit what other people might say. 'Mick meet me in five'. Mickey as he heard this magic words put his book aside and got up from his bed towards the kitchen to get a cup of water. On the way to the kitchen he met Mandy along side all the other residents of the house circling him and Ian. Who looked terrified.
'What's going on between you two?' Mandy asked.
'Nothing, what are you talking about?' Mickey asked trying to protect the red head.
'Are you two just hooking up or more?' now it was Kim's turn to ask. Mickey never liked her but Ian did they got really close since they entered the house for the first time.
He looked at Ian, trying to find a source of hope. An answer for all his problems. But all he saw was a future. When they are happily married and runic around the house trying to stop one of their kids from knocking off the new vasa Ian just bought from the store. 'Can we talk? Privately?' Mickey asked Ian who nodded. 'Can you all back away or something?'. They all walked away quickly leaving them behind.
'I want more than releasing steams Mickey. I like what is going on with us but-'
He didn't managed to finish up his sentence due to a pair of lips pressing against his.
'I want us to be boyfriends Gallagher' Mickey smiled. Ian couldn't believe his eyes the closet thug just asked him to be his boyfriend in front of millions of people watching cameras and their teammates just down the hall.
'Yeah, wanted to ask you during our date before this bitches got in the way'.
Ian smirked and pulled him for another peck on the lips and just in time all their teammates came back inside seeing the two boys kissing.
'I guess now you can't hooked up with him' one girl asked the other.
'Yeah' she shrugged but smiled at them.
Damn that was long and took me like forever!
I just wanna say thank you for all the readers and viewers who read this story, I know they are not many but it makes my heart blow every time I see a new view. So thank you and I hope you have the fucking best day!
Love ya❤️

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