Best friends forever yay!

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And that's what happens when you get too bored at work you write too much until the shift is over
So hiya people and welcome back.
In this one shot, Ian and Mickey have been childhood friends since they can remember, but lately, something changed between them...
Ian and Mickey have known each other since they could remember themselves. They met at kindergarten when they were six and five years old.
They were the known duo for causing trouble daily. They would always share time out together only to cause more troubles together when they would be let go.

By the second grade, everyone would know not to get in their way. They had each other's back. Mickey would always step up when some guys from the third grade called Ian gay. He would punch them until they would pass out and walk away.

At the beginning of high school when Mickey first got thrown into jail. Ian would save up all his homework for him and would help him study for when he would return.

When they reached senior year Ian finally came out of the closet, and Mickey had shown his full support for him. He wasn't a different person after all.

When Mickey reached the age of 20 he got into a relationship with a nice girl named Emily. They had a lot of fun together, spending days and days going on cute dates that Ian had helped him organize.
Until one day Emily skipped on him for another man claiming that he spends too much time with Ian and not her. Saying that they should go out and not them. Mickey scoffed at that statement and went on with his life but still not forgetting what she had said about him and Ian.

When Ian reached 24 he asked Mickey to move in with him to ease the rent. The other best friend agreed and moved in with Ian.

When Mickey reached 27 he had enough. He was never in a 'normal' relationship with anyone except Emily a few years back. He was frustrated to see even his little sister married already with a kid on the way. But he on the other hand nada.
Ian was in the same situation as him. He was 21 when he first had a boyfriend after some hookups he had at high school but nothing was ever too serious. After that boyfriend back there said his goodbyes to Ian he hadn't met anyone since then.

'Maybe eventually you and Mickey would end up together' Lip once said and Ian laughed. 'He is straight, and my best friend. Not gonna happen.

'I'm never gonna find anybody' Ian complained to Mickey as they were chilling out at home with a good movie and some Chinese takeout.
'Is it about that Caleb dude again because I'd gladly knock the teeth out of his mouth' Mickey smirked taking a bite from his egg roll.
'No no, think about it, we are both almost thirds and haven't been in a study relationship'
'You can say that I was with Emily' Mickey replied.
'The girl who skipped on you for another guy and blamed it on me' Ian added to the conversation.
'Like your guy didn't do the same with that girl '
'Who knows maybe they ended up together' Ian snorted at him.
'How about this by the time we are forty if neither of us is married how about we do?'
'Get married?! With all respect man, I'm not gay
'Oh yeah? Bet you I can turn you into one' Ian smirked
'Shut up'
'Think about it, if neither of us is married and still desperately trying to find a match we will get together and get hitched. We already live together so how will it make any difference' Ian explained and Mickey shrugged and thought again before replying.
'Fuck it I'll turn gay for your sorry ass' he smirked
'How about we will start from now?' Ian smiled starting a pillow fight with Ian.

By the time Mickey turned 34 he was a completely different person and so was Ian.
After the agreement they made seven years ago, Mickey had thought over and over again about his future and what would it look like until he stopped when he found himself picturing a man next to him.
'Really? a man?' Ian asked
'Yeah man maybe I'm gay after all' he replied.
'Alright can't say I saw that coming'
'You are not the only one' he responded.

'So Mickey's gay now?' Lip asked as they sat down on the Gallagher's couch back home.
'I guess he said he pictured his future one day and saw a man by his side'
'Any specific one?' Lip asked curiously.
'Are you again with that crap?'
'I mean you said he is gay now so who knows?'

When Ian turned 36 he found himself at home in his backyard with his family celebrating his birthday and to his left stood his new boyfriend after a long time James. He liked James. James was a good guy and liked Ian very much. They were happy together, going on dates and spending every minute of their free time together. Until James had enough and called it off with him. Saying he couldn't do it anymore while giving the excuses of "It's not you and it's me" that he hated so much.

'Fuck guys I'm down with them' Mickey called entering the living room after a terrible date with some guy.
'That bad?' Ian asked taking a spoon full of his ice cream and putting it in his mouth.
'Tried to get me to fuck him in the of his back car  that was fucking filthy'
' Yikes' Ian pretends to vomit at the scenario.
'What about you? how was yours?'
'Why do you think the Ben and Jerry is here for?' he smirked.
They both ate a mouthful of ice cream before Mickey spoke again.
'How about we will get ahead of the wedding?' Mickey asked.
'What wedding?' Ian asked confused looking over Mickey.
'Our wedding' he called and Ian chuckled at his silliness.
'Are you finally declaring your undying love for me?' he smirked.
'Fuck you is what I'm declaring' Mickey scoffed.
'I'm serious man, why won't we just get married? you said it yourself in the past already. We have known each other since childhood. We live together. And some people already want us together-'
'Who? Who said that?' Ian asked
'Well at first we got that bitch Emily. Then we got every damn person on the planet' he said at last.
'Seriously?!' and Mickey nodded as he cursed under his breath.
'You know what? we ain't getting any younger, aren't we? Let's do it' Mickey looked at him as he continued
'Let's get married'

By the time Ian reached forty and Mickey was already forty one something changed in them. Maybe it was them being married and all. But it was different. They were a bit more touchy with each other, a bit more playful and more mature, and more open and more relaxed with each other. And many more.
Maybe it was the fact that they were getting old. Yet, it was never like that between them in the past.

'You finally got your head about it'
Lip asked as Ian took a sip from his beer.
'About what?'
'You and Mickey. Come on dude you're forty and married, you need to say those words eventually'
'What words? What are you talking-'
'You and Mickey are too oblivious sometimes you know that? A perfect match Lip scoffed
'You like him and he likes you back! So get your head around it and ask him out!'
'I don't like Mickey, Lip! Not like that'
'You haven't changed aren't you?' Lip asked amused by his brother's oblivious crush on his best friend and husband.

Chilling at home with a box of pizza and some ice cream on the side was always their favorite thing to do. They would watch movies for hours until one of them would fall asleep.
'I think I might like you' he exposed. Mickey chuckled softly and looked up at him.
'Ahh?' Ian asked
'I think I might like you too' They gave one look at each other before leaning in for a kiss.
At the time it's been almost a decade for each since they were with a guy. But all these fears and worries about it they put aside the minute the bedroom door was shut closed.
They were best friends and they would always be. Sure they got married out of agreement with each other. And yes they finally fulfilled their marriages after too many years with each other. But does it matter?
When you are with someone and being friends with them you don't need much just those tiny words of 'I like you' and 'I love you' are enough.

By the time Mickey reached 43 and Ian was 42 they decided to adopt from foster care a little girl who was born the previous year alongside her older brother who was four at the time.
They lived their life happily together as a married couple plus two kids.

Sure, people outside gave them judgmental looks for finally getting together and having kids. But who cares?
They were still best friends who happened to be I live with each other who happened to be married with two kids.

That was a long one that I freaking liked
Hope you did the same
Love ya❤️

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