Double life part 1

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Intro: So I asked my friend today what one shots I need to write about and she told about the idea of double life.. so why not try this off
'Gallagher' agent Roy called. Ian walked inside his large space office. It was a mid-afternoon and Ian just came in. He usually works the night shift that starts a bit later around four but he was early for his chief request.
'Yes sir'
'Take a sit pleas'
Ian sat down in the large chair that was in front of his chiefs desk.
'So it's brought to my attention that there is a new guy that thinks he control the streets.. just came from the south side of Chicago with his family and doesn't want to go' he informed him.
'Who is he?' Ian asked.
'He goes by the name Mickey Milcovich'
Mickey Milcovich? Where have he heard that name before? Maybe he was from the south side as well he thought to himself
'What do you need me to do?' he asked knowing the guy ding call him in for no reason.
Ian was walking on his way back home. Tiredness in his body and black circles covering his eyes. He didn't noticed where he was walking until he heated someone yelled at him, with this voice that he had heard all day girl video tapes of him. 'Watch where you going fuck head' the voice called. He quickly turned around and came across a beautiful sight. He had the most pure expression on his face, his eyes were this baby blue that you only can see in babies. He was a ducking angel and Ian just wanted to get his hands on him.
The man probably thought the same way from the expression on his face. A total blissed.
'Do I know you?' the man asked.
'No-but you're about to' Ian smirked.
'Being a smart ass aren't we freckles?'
'Someone has too' he smirked again at the man.
They pulled their clothes back on, still panting from their post orgasm. Mickey's neck was cover with man hickeys on. While what Ian was left with was a total blissed upon his face and body.
He had never been with someone like Mickey. The guy was a next level of power bottom and Ian fucking loved it.
'So will I see you again?' Mickey asked.
'Depends.. will you suck my dick like that again?' Ian smiled
'I guess you would have to wait and see red' Mickey smirked. As Ian pulled the last piece of clothes on Mickey escort him to the door not before switching phone numbers with him.

The next time they met was a week later. Mickey have called Ian for 'Netflix and chill' which quickly turned into Ian pounding the life out of Mickey's ass.
Yeah he can get used to that

Hi people
Part two will come out very soon so hold tight
Have a good night people
Love ya ❤️

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