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Intro: After they have triplets and turn three Ian and Mickey finally enjoy their honeymoon
They were tired. Rowan decided that he didn't want to sleep anymore at night and managed to drag his siblings alongside.

All three toddlers would climb up their crib in the middle of the night not forgetting to help strangle Riley behind. Rowan would then show them their way to their dads' bedroom before launching on them and waking them up.
"Ryan Rowan and Rylie please go back to bed, me and Daddy have work tomorrow" Mickey begged, he wanted to enjoy as much sleep as he could get before he needed to go to work the following morning at the garage. 
He got his mechanic license right after the triplets were born which was a week they got married. The three little kids paid an early visit to their dads two weeks before their surrogate's due date. So they had to postpone their honeymoon to another time. Perhaps when the kids would have a better sleep schedule and won't wake up at three am every morning.

The three little monsters laughed and started to jump over their parents waking up their other dad. "Daddy, daddy wake up" Rylie called climbing over Ian's back that quickly jogged from his sleep as he felt someone on him.
"What what?" he called, almost knocking down the little girl from the bed but thankfully catching her on time.
"Kiddos, why aren't you in bed? Ina asked the triplets
"Daddy we hungry" Rowan called as the other two nodded along giggling and jumping over their bed shooting "Pancakes" as Rowan joined along. Mickey groaned and tried to go back to sleep so Ian hoped the kids would get the message and leave them alone.
But that wasn't the case right now. They were hungry, and when they were hungry nothing could stop them from getting what they wanted.
"Fine we will make some pancakes" Mickey called pulling the covers off him thank god he had his sweatpant on tonight and wasn't naked. He stood up from the bed and moved towards the kitchen as the little kids followed behind.
"Gallagher!! get up! I've no idea how to make pancakes" Mickey called, helping the kids to brush their teeth in their bathroom. Ian groaned into his pillow, grabbed some sweatpants and a t-shirt for him and Mickey, and walked towards his husband. Tossing the shirt to him before walking towards the kitchen to make the food.
Tiredly he mixed the mixture together and prepared the pan with butter as Mickey stumbled into the kitchen with the little three. Grinning and jumping ready for their food to eat.
"Pancakes pancakes" they cheered along as Mickey helped them sit in their chairs.
"Do you want milk with those kiddos?" he asked.
"Please" they begged, giving him those puppy eyes that he could never say no to.
"Alright, alright Jesus" he smiled moving towards the fridge to get their milk set.
Three bottles of warm milk should get those three to bed in no time.
"Hopefully that would get them to sleep" he whispered to Ian who chucked softly and kissed his husband's cheek. The kids saw them and immediately started to cheer "Kiss kiss".
"Mick, I think they want to see us kiss," Ian smirked. Mickey chuckled softly and moved to pack Ian's lips as the kids were behind them.
"Okay okay, you three sit down breakfast is served" Ian smiled taking three plates, and dived for each of them a stack of pancakes.
The kids smiled and started to dig into their food, drinking their milk as their dads watched them making sure they wouldn't choke on their food.
"I think it's time for our honeymoon," Mickey declared, looking over at Ian.
"You seriously? You want to leave them alone for a week" he whispered.
"Well not alone we can ask your siblings to look after them and we don't have to go all week we can just go for the weekend" Mickey explained.
"I don't know Mick it'd feel weird not to wake up at three am to make pancakes"
"Oh yeah? I bet I can get you to do something else at the time" Mickey whispered into his ear as his face flashed.
"Okay okay we will do it" he called.

The next morning they packed their bags and the kids' stuff and pulled outside of the old Gallagher's house.
"You sure you packed Rylie's blanket?"Ian asked as they helped the kids out of their car seats.
"Yes Gallagher the blanket is inside '' Mickey called, closing the door behind him and taking Rowan's hand and two of the duffle bags of the kids. Ian took Rylie and Ryan's hand and the other duffle bag. Walking inside the house they were greeted with Fiona and Steve smiling welcoming the little kids inside followed by Franny who was over the moon with their arrival. She was always excited to see them and play with them even though they were 6 years younger than her. She and Rylie could play for hours while the boys would join Fred in the backyard playing soccer.
"Thank you again for agreeing to look after them" Ian smiled at them as Mickey put down their bags.
"Of course, it's finally time for you two to enjoy your honeymoon, you deserve a break every once in a while" she smiled, hugging them both and sending them away before the kids would notice they were gone.

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