I dont hate you, I despise you

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Intro: They are learning in the same class but always get on each other's nerves.
Their desks were always next to each other for some odd reason. Like the teacher thought, if they were placed next to each other, the ice between them would stop. But it seems like they would never. They never saw eye-to-eye with each other, always getting on each other's nerves like if to turn on and off the air conditioner or whatever.

Monday morning was never to their liking. The two hours of biology class would be the ones to blame. Learning about biochemistry, population dynamics, and more long words that no one could really say was never in their best interest or anyone's.
Ian laid his head against the cold desk and tried to fall asleep after last night's party for Monica's return, as if it were once a year. Ian barely got any sleep. And the warmth of the classroom was just giving up the best environment to sleep in. As his eyes were about to close, he started to feel a bit chill, like someone had opened a window or something. He lifted his head from the desk and saw that sweaty boy called Mickey turning off the air conditioner.
"Mickey, turn it back on! Before I'd fucking kill you," he yelled, snapping at him.
Mickey, in return, pulled out his middle finger at him and turned off the AC.
"God damn it," he called again, standing up and pushing Mickey aside to tune it back on. Mickey curled his lip and pushed him against the window, starting a fist fight with him.
"That's enough!" the teacher called as he pulled the two apart.
"You two are in the principal office now." They didn't go to the principal office because, who gives a shit? Ian pulled his books back into his locker, pulled out his packet of cigarettes, and walked outside. The cold air outside sent shivers through his body as he lit his cigarette. The warmth of it heated his face a bit. He has two hours before he would like to see Mickey once again in class, so he would use all the time he has right now to take the break he needs from life right now.
"Go find another place to smoke fucker; this is my spot," Mickey yelled as he walked towards the dungeons.
"I was here first, so you go," Ian replied, righting his grip against the cigarette butt and taking a long drag from it. Mickey rolled his eyes, knowing he had no other place to be, and took out his cigarette as well. Ten minutes later, both after their smoke, Jan leaned back against one of the cold metals, just breathing in the cold air and staring off.
"Why do you hate me so much?" he asked, suddenly looking at Mickey, who lit up another cigarette.
"Why are you an asshole?"
"I'm not an asshole."
"Yeah, sure, ginger bread," he said, laughing as Ian moved along, pushing him a bit.
"Would you stop with those names already? I hate all those red-related nicknames," he called.
"But you all red yourself; it suits you pretty well," Mickey smirked, pushing him back a hit as Ian's back hit the cold pipe. Mickey walked up towards him again, ready to blow his nose, but instead found himself leaning in for a kiss. It was so out of the blue that it scared them both. But it felt good as their lips met each other. Mickey's lips were so warm that it helped to warm up Ian's.
They pulled apart after the air ran out for both of them, panting and locking their eyes. They were confused. What the hell just happened? Mickey thought to himself. He just kissed Ian out of the blue. The guy he swore to kill by graduation he locked his lips with. The guy who asked him for a pencil back in third grade threatened to stab him if he ever talked with him again.
With a smirk and a chuckle, Ian pulled away from Mickey and simply walked away. Leaving Mickey by himself with a bulge in his pants and a red blush.

They didn't talk after this for a week.
Ian was more than confused to even start a conversation with him; it's not like they were used to doing anything together except fighting like a couple of kids in class, and that's it. They never went that far to make their relationship or sort of physical; they did fist fight a lot, but kissing and grinding against each other to turn the other boy, never.
It was again Monday morning when they got into a fight.
This time they were in their homeroom class as the class started to debate what they should do about their annual project. All the 12 graders needed to work in twos or fours and do a project about whatever they wished to.
The problem was that no one wanted to work with either one of them, and they were left to work together, which the teacher wasn't thrilled about.
"No way we aren't doing anything about this shit, fucking gay topic; lets do something cool, like cars or, I dont know," Mickey called, raising his hands in the air as Ian rolled his eyes.
"What about the effects of dreams on our daily lives?"
"Like you," Ian whispered, and Mickey flipped. Thank God they weren't in class right now because their teacher would try to send them to the principal again.
"If you're trying to get on my nerves, it's working for you, Gallagher," he called, rolling his eyes as Ian straightened up in his seat and looked at him. He wanted answers, and Mickey could see them in his eyes. An answer to everything. He just wished he had it himself.
"Why?" he asked simply.
"Why what?"
"Don't play dumb with me, Milkovich. I want to know why you kissed me and then stopped talking with me or even got mad at me when I turned off the AC in Biolagy this morning. You didn't even blink or throw in an insult to me, or are you sick or something?"
"I'm not sick!" Mickey screamed
"Then explain to me why you kissed me; I want a fucking answer."
"I don't have one," he murmured under his breath. He really didn't have a clue why he did that or why he fought with him on a daily basis and then kissed him.
Was he gay and wanted to be kissed by Ian?
What the hell is going on inside his mind?
"Mickey?" Ian spoke in sympathy, and after a few minutes of silence, Mickey felt like whatever was going on inside of his head right now was about to eat him alive. He snapped his fingers together in front of his face, trying to shake him out of his trance.
"Are you okay?" Mickey shook his head as Ian moved his hand, stroking his cheek, causing Mickey to calm down a bit.
"I don't hate you; you know that, right?"
"I know," he grinned, leaning in to connect their lips once again

Hi guys :)
How's it going?
Hope you all good all 25k of you which is fucking crazy how we got here but we will talk about this in another time
Love ya❤️

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