A neighborly barkeep

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Intro: Ian and Mickey are both owning a bar one across from another...
'Barkeep can I get a virgin martini?' a young woman asked looking over Mickey who was standing behind the bar he nodded and started ed to make the drink for her.
'So what brings you here? first time I'm seeing you around' he asked as put the ice in the cup. 'You see the bar across from you? it belongs to my brother Ian. He got on my nerves this morning so I decided to get on him back' the woman said.
'Oh, so you're one of Frank's?'
'Yeah, Debbi'
Mickey nodded as he handed her the drink and she accepted it happily. She put it between her lips and drank it happily.
'Mmm that's good'
'Thank you, do you want me to open a tab for you or?' he asked.
'Hell yeah open if the drinks are here as good looking as you I would stay here all night' she smirked leaning a bit close and moving her hand across his.
'Oh I'm sorry Debbi, it's just you can stay here as much as you want but I'm not included' he said calmly not wanting to freak her out as much as she going to get.
'Why?' she asked her voice crackly and high.
'I'm kinda gay'
'Fuck come on we all were gay once' she shrugged.
'Not for me, sorry' he smiled politely and walked away hearing her scoff in the background.

An hour later the door to Mickey's bar opened wildly. A red boy walked inside, he was wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans the outside was casual but hot on him.
He looked around and stopped when he noticed Debbi from earlier passed out asleep in one of the booths. 'Fuck Debbi' he called walking closer to her. He shook the girl awake and she groaned in her sleep. 'Debs come we gotta get your home, Franny is supposed to be home soon' he explained.
'Yo, how much did she drink?' He asked looking over Mickey who was whipping some cups with a cloth.
'Like two beers and two shots of vodka and a virgin martini, she sure known how to drink' he explained.
'Yeah, my sister is something else when it comes to drinking' he smiled moving Debbi again trying to shake her awake.
'I'm Ian by the way, I own the bar across from you'
'Mickey and I own the bar across from you' he smirked. Ian smiled and pulled Debbi up and put her over his shoulders. 'Need any hand with her?' he asked.
'Na ROTC did the most' he smiled and with that, he started to make his way toward the door.
'Well, I'll see you later neighbor, hopefully for a drink maybe?' Ian asked smirking and flashing his toothy smile at him.
'Sure, why not?'

And done!
All of my fellow one shots are the cause of my boring classes since the beginning of this year
Hope you have a great weekend
Love ya❤️

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