A radio show-part 2

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The sun was peeking it's way out of the window in the room. Ian was the first one to open his eyes and quickly closed them again getting semi-blind from the sun.
He opened them again when he felt enough confident. He was in a certain room that he didn't fully recognize but felt familiar to him. He looked around it trying to find a clue where he was. He found the clue in a half naked man next to him. Mickey.
How did this happened.
The last thing he remembered was drinking a beer with Mickey. One beer. Not that much that caused this.
'Mickey Mickey get up' he shook his awake. Mickey groaned in his sleep and opened his eyes. 'What what' he called. He looked at Ian and frozen. They were both naked. In bed. Together.
They didn't.. right?

'Omg did we?' he asked narrowing his eyebrows. 'I guess we did' Ian shrugged. 'Do you remember anything from last high?' Mickey asked.
'Not really'
'Fuck' Mickey's head hit back the pillow.
What have happened last night

The next day they arrived to the studio. They haven't talked all day yesterday since that incident happened. The tension between them was so thick that could be cut off with scissors.
'Morning Mick'
They walked inside their station and sat back in their chairs. 'Two minutes until air time' Tom called from the headphones. Mickey and Ian looked at each other and nodded. Even though this whole situation was a mess for them, they still had a job to do.

Their show today was much more shorter then usual due to them feeling kind of awkward. They met again at lunch and had to sit together due to a lack of tables to eat in. They both unwrapped their sandwich's and took a bite out of it. Their chewing sounds was the only thing that could could been heard in the room. Until Tom walked in.
'Okay what's the deal with you too?' he asked putting both of his hands against his waist and staring at them. 'Because you'll never end a show before time.. or put more songs then actual talking. If you fought about something again. Solve it. Please for the sake of the show and your fans' with that he walked away leaving the two behind to 'solve it'.

It just their is nothing to solve. They just new to talk. And find a way to talk about without sounding too weird.
'I guess that I need to tell you that I kinda if lied' Ian said.
'About what?'
'When I said I didn't remember what happened between us. I do remember. I wasn't that of drunk'
'You had like six beers dude' Mickey said trying to ignore the silliness of his friend.
'What do you remember?' Mickey asked. 'For start this' Ian said pulling away his shirt a bit to show Mickey his collar bone all covered in hickey's.
'Shit. Did I do that?'
'You really don't remember anything?' Ian asked and Mickey shook his head.
He remembered some of their night not all of it. He remember how Ian's body was pressed against his. How he was looking at him while fucking into him in a fast pace. His lips that was sucking the life out of his.
Yeah he remembered some.. some of it.
'Well I guess if you don't remember I can't asked you how you felt?'
'I can tell you that I'm sore as hell' Mickey smirked and Ian chuckled.
'But it was weird seeing you in my bed yesterday morning.. didn't expect that'
'Believe me neither do I'

Later that day they were back to their normal self and was now hanging around at Ian's place playing some video game.
'Stop shooting all of my guys' Ian called pushing at Mickey's elbow trying to get him to lose the game.
'That's what happened for being a bitch and shooting mine first' Mickey yelled back shooting the last of Ian's soldiers to death.
'Boo-ya' Mickey called.
'That was fucking not fair' Ian called hitting Mickey's hand again.
'That's what happen for not knowing how to play' Mickey smiled and got hit again by Ian. They start to wrestle Ian was on top of Mickey eventually. Their eyes locked. Maybe it was the heat of the moment or gods wish. Or whatever. But they connected their lips together. This time they weren't embarrassed and left it for a peck only or were too drunk to remember it.
It was different.
A good different.
A different that they never felt with a guy they kissed before.
And they had.
This one was so more then anything else.
'You're a good kisser Milkovich' Ian smiled causing Mickey to blush.
'You're not so bad yourself Gallagher'.

Three years later
'Hello hello hello people and welcome back to KGD Jazz Radio' Mickey cheered through the mic.
'Well who would thought that one day you would open the show and not me me?' Ian smirked.
'Got a problem with that Gallagher?' Mickey smirked back.
'Not at all'.
'So today people before Mickey will turn the show to a porn station' Ian started as Mickey glanced at him yelling 'hey that was one time!' in the background.
'Me and Mickey have an announcement to make, ready?' Ian asked looking over Mickey who nodded and they both yell into the mic.
'We are getting married'

Ten years later
''Hello hello hello people and welcome back to KGD Jazz Radio' the voice of their little girl called through the mic. Today she was turning five and have begged her dads to come to their work. The girl has been in their studio since she was a newborn and was usually the one to open the show when she was in the studio. She has always liked to come over and talk on the mic or even chose the song to play. Usually it wound end up with one of the songs she learned at school. But they didn't care. They had each other and their baby girl with them.
They were happy that was all matter.
And the end
Hope you all liked it as much as I did
Have a great weekend you all
Love ya ❤️

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