Chapter Twenty Five

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If you ever feel sometime unwanted from the person with whose you are spending most time??

Taehyung is exactly feeling same..He knows he is feeling nonsense but he can't stop his mind .He is seeing Jungguk and that new boy who are talking like for one hour.. Taehyung's friend were already gone after having delicious pizza...They told Taehyung to go with them but Taehyung said he would go home...But after their leaving he didn't leave..

He is watching Jungguk and Jimin with his sharp brown eyes..He is little surprised that Jungguk didn't come to say hi to him or didn't come to take order and to serve...Well,he wouldn't expect Jungguk to come to him...

No ..

Not at all....

Why would he???

Taehyung saw how Jungguk is messing Jimin's hair and Jimin is also doing same...He didn't know why but he divert his eyes from that scene..He looked outside...The sky became dark... Seoul's weather is becoming suspecious...In the morning it was hot day and now it is becoming dark...

Taehyung again looked at the counter direction..He saw Jungguk and Jimin were not there...He looked here and there but didn't notice them... Taehyung thought what he is doing...He is becoming idiot...He finished his last coffee and stood up..He saw another worker is working at the cash counter...He looked at the door of kitchen...Why???He didn't know...

He shook his head at his behavior...He paid the bill and walked towards the exit...He closed the cafe door and looked up to see the sky...The sky became blue to full dark black...He took out his phone from his pant's pocket...And he cursed in his mind...His phone is off because it doesn't have charge...Now how will he call his driver or home??

Taehyung kicked a rock in front of him out of frustration...He has to go home by walking now...He put his phone in the pocket and started to walk by putting his both hands in the pocket...The road is full empty maybe because of the weather...

The cold wind is blowing...Leaves are flying here and there... It's looking like heavy rain will pour in some moments... Taehyung remembered something...

He remembers how his baby star loved rain.. Jungkook always fought with him to play in the rain..He always blackmailed Taehyung by his puppy eyes and wobble lips... Taehyung was whipped boy so he couldn't deny Jungkook's wish...He always fulfilled his love's every wishes....

He remembers one day it was raining heavily... Jungkook and Taehyung were outside...They almost got wet because of the rain...They took a shelter under a big tree...That time they were newly couple..So they always got shy whenever they came close to each other...

Taehyung still remembers that exact moment when he kissed Jungkook for the first time after becoming couple..He still remembers the soft lips of Jungkook..He still remembers the unstoppable heartbeat when he kissed Jungkook...He still remembers how Jungkook hugged tightly Taehyung after their first kiss...

Taehyung can't forget any moments....

His thinking world suddenly broke when he felt raindrops up his haed... Taehyung looked up and the heavy raindrops hit his whole face...

Taehyung chuckled...He chuckled at his misery...To enjoy the rain,to feel the rain he doesn't have his love beside him...To play in the rain,hug in the rain he is missing and he will miss...He accepted his fate...He accepted that colorful moments won't come to his life again....

You only lose what you cling to.

This line Taehyung took deeply...He thinks he used to too much clingy towards Jungkook and that's why he gets the biggest punishment...He can't change anything right now....He lost....He lost everything....His tears mixed with the raindrops....

Taehyung felt the raindrops stopped up his head...He looked up and saw a big umbrella is saving him from the heavy rain....He looked behind and he was startled...

Jungguk is standing in front of him with holding the umbrella and other hand is holding a box...His half body drenched in the rain...The heavy raindrops are dropping on his face and Jungguk is struggling to look clearly but still he is trying...

Taehyung's heart felt this scene is soul-stirring...For some moment he forgot that what he was thinking early...

Taehyung stepped close and hold Jungguk's arm...And pulled him under the umbrella....

Jungguk felt shivers on his body..Not because of the cold rain water..For the close attachment with Taehyung....He looked at Taehyung's eyes....The sharp brown eyes which are holding so many emotions....So many unknown words....So many untold complaints....

Jungguk wants to know them...He wants to hear them..He wants to feel them...

Does it call shameless???

Or does it call a shoulder person???

"Where are you here???" Taehyung asked whisperingly....

Jungguk didn't know what to feel at that moment...He just looked down...He felt shy....

The closeness is too much for him.... Taehyung saw the expression of Jungguk..And at that moment he remembers his Dad's words....

Detach from needing to have things work out a certain way. The universe is perfect and there are no failures. Give yourself the gift of detaching from your worries and trust that everything is happening perfectly.....

Is it true?????

Is it true?????

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To be continue~~~

[Tell me who felt the emotion of this part??👀

My heart did boom boom when the umbrella thing happened 💆]

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