Chapter Forty Six

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It's been a month since Jungguk and Taehyung went to their first date...

Maybe it wasn't announced loudly but it was a date right??

After that day they regularly chat with each other,meet with each other, Taehyung often goes to cafe just to spend time with Jungguk..If you see Taehyung with Jungguk you will see different Taehyung...

This Taehyung smiles,doing fun,cares and also talks sweet....

Only with Jungguk...With the world he is still rude,bad boy...Well, Taehyung changed his behavior with his parents... Taehyung also made friendship with Jimin..That was hard..Jimin got to know about everything and Jungguk's feelings..First he was against it but when he saw Jungguk's feelings and Taehyung's care he approved but Jimin threatened Taehyung that if Taehyung hurt Jungguk them Jimin will show his bad side.. Otherwise he will help them....

Talking about Jungguk he is still same..Shy Jungguk around Taehyung..He became more shy because nowadays Taehyung behaves with him so bold..He likes Taehyung's little care,silly jokes also cold aura when Taehyung talks with others...That is secret....

Well, recently Taehyung is practicing something in his room..He is watching a video in the phone ..But he is forgetting after every minutes... He hold his hair with so frustration...

"Ahh .Why can't I get it right once??" Taehyung said...

He again started to try after releasing big sigh...He did again and again..He once checked the video and once checked himself in the mirror...

"What are you doing??" Seokjin came into the room... Taehyung flinched and stood like a statue...

Seokjin raised his eyebrow...

"What happened to you??? Seokjin asked again...

"N-Nothing Papa...Why are you here??" Taehyung said and gulped... Seokjin was having doubt that why Taehyung is acting weird...

"I came to get your unwashed cloths.." Seokjin said and went to Taehyung's washroom... Taehyung sighed again... Seokjin came back after gathering Taehyung's clothes... Taehyung is still standing same as before... Seokjin narrowed his eyes and went out from the room..

Taehyung felt he is saved...

But Seokjin noticed everything from the beginning and chuckled by seeing his son's childish behaviors...

But the question is what was Taehyung doing???

Next day Jungguk is going university with Jimin.... Because there is basketball match and Taehyung invited him to come to his play..How can Jungguk deny this proposal??So he is excited to see Taehyung's play and his skills...

He baked cookies for Taehyung because he wants to give Taehyung after the match winning... Jungguk is very sure that Taehyung will win the game...So right now they are in the basketball court area...Many students are gathered there... Jungguk is nervous because when he first came here two boys bullied him and Taehyung saved him...So he doesn't want to see again that situation....

"Jungguk let's sit there..." Jimin said and pointed to the seats...They sat and they can watch the match clearly from there ..

Jungguk is looking here and there just to see Taehyung....His heart is jumping just to have a glimpse of Taehyung...And his wish came true. .. Just then Taehyung and his team came to the spot with opposite team.... Students started to cheer loudly...Jimin also did same ..

If Jungguk had voice, Jungguk would do same....

For Taehyung....

His Taehyung...

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