Chapter 103: June Jackson

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Lannister led me through the familiar halls of Hendrix's estate. He had changed into his bipedal form before we entered the mansion, and I was relieved to find that unlike werewolves his clothes came with the transformation. I studied his silky white hair that reached all the way to his behind. It shimmered in the light like his unicorn mane and I wondered what it felt like to touch it. Was it like the tinsel it looked like? Was it coarse like a horse's mane? Was it soft like mine? He glided down these halls with a surefootedness that put my clumsy clopping to shame.

"Are you sure you're not royalty?" I asked without thinking.

He turned back to look at me, and instead of looking at me like the crazy random person I was, he smiled. His golden eyes sparkled with mirth, and I found my eyes unable to leave his.

"I'm sure. Just a knight." When he turned back to face where we were going I could finally free myself from his hold. I had to get myself together. He had an Amorita. I was married, marked, and who knows what else. This unicorn crush had to get under control.

I tried to copy Lannister's walk. Level head, measured steps, relaxed but confident posture, but I snagged my foot in the skirt of my longer than normal gown and had to scramble to not fall face first. Lannister stopped and watched the embarrassing spectacle, and I just wanted to crawl into a hole. I gathered my courage and straightened myself out.

"I—Ahem. I'm not use to these kinds of dresses..." He must have thought I was an idiot. Why couldn't Cenderion get it? I'm not queen material. This was just laughable.

Lannister held out his arm. "Then let me escort you. It can take time to get accustomed to wearing gowns like that."

I stared at his arm, and Lannister smiled warmly. My face flushed and my heart started to tremble. I just wanted to run the other direction, but snuffing Lannister's chivalry when he had been nothing but sweet and supportive felt foul. I timidly slipped my arm in his, and we continued down the hall with arms linked. Cenderion's words of his approval echoed in my mind. He must have thought that Lannister was the other man I had feelings for. He didn't know about Geralt. No one did. Would they even believe I was seeing a man in my dreams?

I glanced at Lannister who seemed completely oblivious to how this looked to others. This poor innocent unicorn had no idea that his kind offer of assistance made it appear we were more than acquaintances. What if it hurt his chances of finding his destined one? I thought about yanking my arm from his, but calmed myself.

"Lannister, I appreciate your help, but this will give others the wrong idea." I calmly explained.

The unicorn-man faced me. He was only slightly taller than I was, and his golden eyes caught mine yet again. "What idea is that?" he asked.

God, was he really that pure? Did he really have no idea what a man and woman walking alone together with their arms linked would suggest? It was more formal than holding hands, granted, but still.

"People might think we are... interested in each other..." I said carefully.

He did not remove his arm. "I am interested in you." He said plainly.

I inwardly groaned. I was a mortal angel, of course he was interested in that. "I mean, romantically. Others might find this questionable, and I wouldn't want your Amorita to misunderstand." I explained more clearly.

Lannister studied me for a long time. My arm remained locked in his and we walked silently down the hall. To be honest, after the initial shock and embarrassment at the gesture, this did feel nice. It was comfortable and he covered my every stumble seamlessly. When he finally looked away and released my arm, I felt cold without it.

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