Chapter 121: Geralt and Destin

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Change of POV

I watched as another vase smashed against the stone walls at my hand. It did little to ease the anger and frustration that ran rampant, but it was something. It was something that I could still do, so I grabbed another vase and prepared my throw.

"That's the fifth fucking one. Are you going to tell me what's got your knickers in a twist? Or are you going to keep decorating the castle with remnants of vase?" Loki mocked.

I refused to look at him. "I'd prefer the second." I spat. That did not go at all like I had planned. It was a matter of time before June realized or learned who I really was. The title of Minister of Darkness was much too large to hide under a rug. This was not how I wanted to tell her. I wanted to show her my might, and all the things I could provide her before revealing my identity. I tried to appeal to what most humans craved: power, safety, material things. But nothing worked.

The vase shattered, and Loki flapped to be in front of me. Demons were invisible to everyone but their host and of course myself. His body was as black as ink leaving most of him to appear as a toned silhouette. The only remarkable details were his dark brown hair that reached beneath his shoulder blades, his pointed horns, and his black feathered wings. He had no eyes or nose, and his mouth glowed red when he opened it to speak.

"It's that dream girl again, isn't it?" He growled.

"She found out who I was." I finally admitted.

"And she didn't drop her panties and beg you to take her away?" Loki said amused.

I glared at the annoying demon. "No. Quite the opposite." She looked devastated. It was as if I had betrayed her somehow, but I didn't understand how. How was I supposed to know how against demons she would be. She mentioned them being annoying, but I thought she was just playing with how I found angels annoying. Being the devil's advocate if you will. But that was exactly what she was. She was almost my exact counterpart. Where I was filled with pessimism and reckless abandon, she was full of optimism and careful consideration. She enjoyed the mess and subtle beauty of the world, where I craved order and dazzling brilliance. She was human. I was vampire. We shouldn't work. I shouldn't feel this constant ache for her presence, but I did.

"What a bitch." Loki dismissed. "How dare a sniveling human whore think she have the right to question you? You're the Demon Representative! The Holder of Fates! The Shadow of Death! The Minister of Darkness! She's lucky you even give her a second glance."

I let my fist fly through Loki's face. I knew I wouldn't be able to connect. Us of the After Realm could not physically touch those of the Before Realm, unless they were properly summoned. "Shut up!" I yelled pulling my fist back. "You will not speak ill of her in my presence." I growled.

She wasn't a whore. She had other partners, but even when we spent time together it wasn't just sex. She may have taken my virginity, but I knew what we shared was not strictly physical. She filled the cold emptiness inside me with warmth and excitement. I somehow filled something within her as well, because she craved me as much as I did her. I could smell her arousal and see the desire in her eyes every time we met. Her smile and amber eyes drew me in, and made me want to surrender to her. To worship her. Which was insane, but I loved the feeling all the same.

I closed my eyes as I relived her heavenly voice calling out my name. Her labored breaths as she rode me desperately. She may have had other partners, but it was obvious that none of them were filling her the way I could. The only thing that could have been sweeter was holding her in person. Seeing her before me in the waking world, where there was no force to take her away. I could paint her for hours, gaze upon her at all times of the day, or share the most mundane moments with her. Even if we couldn't physically touch, her smell and her presence would be more than enough. We could save the lustful acts of affection for our dreams. That was what I wanted, but June was surprisingly stubborn.

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