Chapter 131: June and Cenderion

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Thank you to all my readers! I have noticed a lot of readers adding me to their reading lists, and I appreciate it. My goal is to continue growing my reader base, but I will always remember my readers that started it all. Thanks again and enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment! Follow me if you don't want to miss my updates.

-Lucinda Croft

Destin was a leader. I knew he was an alpha. I knew he claimed to have betas. But I didn't really comprehend what that meant. Not until I saw him with his pack. On the way to the tour bus every beta nodded their head in greeting. Some would occasionally come up with quick questions that Destin would answer calmly, and others would clear the way for his trek. Occasionally an odd beta or two would give me a curious glance, but Destin would swiftly redirect them.

"Wow, Pop Star. You run a fucking tight ship." Jimmy commented slightly impressed.

Destin shrugged. "Comes with being an alpha." He dismissed. I looked around at the numerous werewolves that were supposedly under who was supposed to be my mate. Some were thin or scrawny, but there were quite a few intimidating werewolves as well. They all listened and looked up to him, but where did I fit in all that? As Destin's mate, was I considered one of the betas? Were we like brothers in fur, or something like that? That didn't seem right. Most partners of leaders were given some reverence or duties, like the First Lady or in the more relatable sense a queen.

"Hey, Destin. How does your—" I stopped as my eyes spied that werewolf again. The one that I caught just standing and staring before was doing it yet again. This time he was closer, so I got a better look at his darker chocolate skin that made his white hair, ears, and tail stick out so drastically. His dark eyes were in fact a dark blue, and they once again looked oddly familiar. His arms were crossed and he stood like a statue staring at me, or at least the area around me. The other betas seemed to move around him without a care.

"How does my what?" Destin asked confused.

I blinked, but kept my eyes on the guy in case he vanished again. "Who is he?" I asked.

Destin followed my gaze and froze. "What is he doing here?" He asked surprised. He didn't seem worried or that bothered about it, so I relaxed.

"Is he not meant to be here?" I asked. We were still walking towards the busses, but the werewolf's eyes did not stray far from where I was at. It was starting to get creepy.

Destin stopped and sighed. "Well, he isn't a part of my pack, but he's known for being a lone wolf. He is beyond competent though, so maybe one of my betas hired him... I'm sorry, June. Can you head to the bus with Jimmy here? I got to figure out what his deal is."

I nodded as my silver haired werewolf strutted towards the mystery one. Jimmy stepped closer to me and we continued towards the bus. "So, why you so fucking jittery all the sudden?" He asked bluntly.

I shook my head and focused on the bus ahead. "He just keeps staring. Like standing there and staring, and I don't know..." I shrugged.

We finally got to the bus that had Destin's and my persona's face skillfully plastered to the side of it, and we were about to step up when a beta called out.

"Hey!" We stopped and turned to see a tan-furred werewolf heading our way with a sack tucked under his arm. He stopped in front of us and sniffed the air a bit. "What are you two doing? That's Celine's bus." He demanded.

Jimmy rolled his eyes to my persona's image on the bus then looked back to the werewolf. "No fuck, Sherlock." He said.

The werewolf growled. "Yeah, so I doubt she'd want an ugly ass vamp and his lunch stinking up her bus."

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