Chapter 125: June Jackson

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Bonus chapter just because! I want to thank my consistent readers and welcome my new ones! It has been so fun seeing how you all respond to my story, so thank you! Please enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment!

-Lucinda Croft

Back to Original POV

I stretched and yawned feeling the fuzziness of sleep leave me. My eyes felt sore and itchy, while my mouth felt dry. I had a dull headache and there was a heaviness in my chest that made everything seem greyer—less vibrant. I soon realized that I wasn't lying flat and that there was a warmth that wasn't soft like a blanket. I blinked my eyes open and looked up into brown eyes that felt safe.

"Good morning." Cenderion said softly. I felt an excitement shoot through the heaviness in my chest. He looked so perfect in the dappled light of the forest. I reached up to touch his stubbled cheek. The soft silky grass that made up his beard tickled my fingers, and made everything more real.

"Good morning." I said back relieved. He really was here. He didn't leave me. I wasn't alone.

"You can rest longer, Lily. You only slept for an hour." Cenderion said after enjoying the touch of my hand.

I shook my head. "I've had enough." My body still felt sluggish, but my mind was wide awake. It was busy taking in the peaceful surroundings and pushing down the ugliness around Geralt and the vampire princes. I just wanted to enjoy this moment with my husband. I grinned and felt immense joy at the thought. He was my husband, and he wouldn't leave me for a mistake. For being flawed.

The dryad king adjusted himself beneath me and looked me over quizzically. "You're being awfully amorous today." He commented.

"Because you didn't leave. You didn't abandon me and all my craziness, even when I wouldn't blame you if you did. I was so scared, so certain, that you would realize that I wasn't enough. That I failed you..." I trailed off feeling the heaviness in my chest grow.

Cenderion pulled me to be sitting on his lap while facing him. "I don't think you realize how deeply a dryad loves, Lily. We live exceedingly long lives, and as you can attest to, we don't sway our opinion easily or often. I don't love an image of you or my expectation of you. I love everything from your thoughts, your smile, and your strength. Every struggle we face will be another opportunity for me to love something different about you." His hand touched my face, and I felt whole. "I just wish I understood why you think I'll leave you the moment something isn't perfect."

"Because everyone else did. My family stayed out of obligation, but whenever I was an inconvenience I was left behind or turned against. I always thought that I would have to be the ideal partner in order to ever find someone. They would leave me for another, if I wasn't. Then suddenly you came into my life. You promised so much, but expected so little. And truth be told... I don't think I'm a perfect partner. Not even a good one." I said sadly. I would have been crying, but no tears came. I was cried out.

"Let me tell you the ways that you are perfect for me." Cenderion said directing me to hold my head up high with his hand still rested on my cheek. "You don't make demands that are selfish or without reason. You try every food I provide you, even when you don't like it. You allow me to dress you up and teach you etiquette without feeling insulted or hurt. Your body is soft and responds to my every touch. But most of all, you allowed a strange being, such as myself, into your heart. Do you know how crazy that is? A wild human who has never seen an elf or a fae before, allowing a sentient tree into their heart."

"You didn't really give me much of a choice." I argued.

"Do you really think I would have spent all this time earning your affection if I didn't sense it was possible?" Cenderion asked. "The fact that you were open to that possibility is one of many reasons you are perfect for me. You have a heart for adventure, Lily. You like taking risks and making your mark. No amount of second-guessing or polite greetings can hide that."

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