Chapter 154: June Jackson

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Hey, My Readers. I'll be leaving on a short trip this evening, and will be away from my computer. For that reason I decided to post tomorrow's chapter today. Enjoy the early drop, and I will post the next chapter on the normally scheduled day, Monday. Thank you for the comments and votes!

-Lucinda Croft

            I looked to the werewolves before me as they snapped and bristled trying to intimidate Dean who held me close to him. I didn't know what to do other than stand there.

Rush him at once! He can't stop all of us! Jax grunted lowering himself to the ground.

Hold! Balto snarled. Something not right. We barely got his scent before he took us down. He is far faster than vampire should be.

They didn't know. "He drank my blood! He's much faster and stronger now!" I shouted hoping it told them what they needed.

Dean used his one hand to grab my face harshly. I felt his fingers bruising my chin and cheeks with how firm he held it. "I'll have to train my little canary to only sing when she is told." He growled before releasing my face. "But it is no matter. Knowing I far outclass you will not change the outcome. Even the four of you don't stand a chance, so you might as well roll over and let me be on my way."

I looked down. It was their best option. I couldn't expect them to risk their lives for me, even if I was this luna. Balto wasn't even a part of Destin's pack, and he did his fair attempt at saving me. No one could fault him for trying.

My thoughts were interrupted by a bolstering howl coming from Balto. Emergency! Help! Luna captured!

A howl sounding much closer than I thought possible responded. On way! Hold there! I smiled and tried to search behind Dean. I knew that voice. It was Destin!

Dean yanked me closer and chuckled. "Reinforcements won't help. I have my own not far behind me." He said. Sure enough I soon heard the distant crunching of gravel and grass beneath fat tires. The smell of car exhaust and more iron-like vampires followed shortly after. This was about to be a battle that I neither wanted nor needed. I glanced at the distant tree-line forlornly. The woods were only about two football fields away. We were so close to even more and very powerful reinforcements. We only needed to move further in that direction.

Balto and them slowly circled us keeping low to the ground and their teeth bared. Dean scoffed. "How terrifying." He taunted. I struggled against his arm wrapped around my waist, but just as I thought it was pointless.

We stood there at a standstill. My rescuers waiting for their pack, and Dean waiting for his crime group. I was surprised that Dean wasn't trying to fight them himself. He could easily drop me and take on the four of them. It would have been an excellent opportunity for me to scramble my way to the woods, but he was once again not underestimating me. He was keeping me where he could see me, and if that meant standing here for ten or so minutes while four werewolves snapped and growled at him then that was what he did. Out of all the vampires I could have caught the attention of, it had to be this one.

June! I heard Destin bay as he bounded onto the scene. Quite a few of his pack were only a few yards behind him. Before his pack could enclose around us however vans came screeching in while suited and armed vampires leapt out open doors. They quickly swarmed in and kicked at or shot their guns at any wolves in their path. Eventually Dean and I were surrounded by werewolves on one side and vampires on the other.

I could have been surrounded by dragons or centaurs, but it didn't matter. My eyes were on Destin's silver wolf. He had some blood on his coat, but I didn't think it was his. He seemed uninjured, but the desire to run to him was so intense I struggled against Dean's hold again. Of course, it did nothing. Destin swiftly shifted into his naked bipedal form, but his green eyes remained wolfish and his ears flat.

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