Chapter 114: Jimmy Keller

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Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! Please enjoy this Jimmy chapter as my gift to you. Don't forget to vote and comment!

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

A full fucking week off! I pinched myself when Hendrix told me. No babysitting. No stalking. No crazy elves, unicorns, and dryads. I didn't even have to stay at this lame ass estate. I could go fucking anywhere, and with my first paycheck, I could do anything I fucking wanted. I sat on the recliner in my small ass room and held up the envelope. You'd think with money spewing from his dick, Hendrix could have given me a nicer suite, but Angel Cakes had a similar room and he's even sweet on her.

I used a nail to slit the envelope open and pulled out the check to see what money I had to play around with. I was pretty pleased with the pay until I realized that my thumb was covering another zero. My jaw dropped, and I bolted from my chair. This wasn't just fooling around money, this was full on fucking around money. Say what you want about that rich bastard, but Hendrix paid his people extremely well. Maybe I should ask to extend our contract.

With this salary, I would be set for life after maybe fifty years. Which was impressive knowing how long vampires can live. I also didn't mind tagging along with Angel Cakes. She was a pathetic whiny bitch sometimes, but pretty chill otherwise. She also didn't pretend I wasn't there. Most of my gigs saw me as the help and they treated me as such. Back-handed comments, humiliating demands, and pretending I was invisible; that was the norm. Angel Cakes actually talked to me. She listened to my rants or observations, and took an interest in my background or what I was doing. Not to mention how entertaining and fucking chaotic things were around her. Despite being this angel, she was laid back and never complained about my foul mouth or cantankerous attitude either.

I looked at the check again. First thing I was going to do was buy myself a motorcycle. I had a license and had several bikes before, but each was taken by some work-related accident. Then I thought I'd pay Riftan's a visit. I normally went there close to weekly, but I was a bit tied up with this gig. I smiled eagerly at the check flapping in my hand. They were in for a bitching surprise.

Through the passing lights reflected in my helmet's visor I saw the neon sign that read Riftan's. The sign appeared to be there to attract attention, but in the sea of other neon signs and flashing lights, it just made it invisible to the standard person. Easing on the acceleration, I found a space to park my shiny new electric green Kawasaki Ninja 400. The bike was a bit basic for those motorcycle enthusiasts, but damn did it look fucking sick. It reminded me of my first motorcycle back when my favorite movie, Top Gun, was first released. It was sporty and edgy. Just the thing to catch the eye of some bitch I might just get to fuck tonight.

I kicked out the kickstand and set up my new baby next to the other motorcycles and left my new matching helmet attached to the bike before heading to the door of Riftan's. A large bulky beta, who in all honesty should have been an alpha, stood by the door with his arms crossed and ears trained on every little noise. He more than likely heard me and smelled me before he saw me.

"Well, there's the bastard! Haven't seen you in ages, Jimmy. Nice ride. Trying to impress someone?" The black werewolf asked with a toothy smirk.

"Hey, Wane! Yeah, it's been a fucking while, but you know how shit is. Jobs were lined up, and now I'm back to blow this cash on the stuff that matters" I said straightening my leather jacket.

His face grew somber. "You back on the stuff, Jimmy?"

My eyes widened, and I growled. "Fuck no. I only took that stuff once." I spat.

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