Chapter 113: Lannister Fleet

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For those who celebrate Christmas, it's just around the corner! I hope you got that last minute shopping, cookie making, or decorating done or almost done. Thank you to all my readers for your votes, comments, and general interest in my story. 

I am curious, which character is your favorite? Are you a true-blue June fan? Or maybe one of her love interests is keeping you invested? Maybe a side-character like our Jimmy has caught your eye. I would love to hear your thoughts. Please comment who is your favorite character with a little tidbit as to why. Happy Holidays!

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

"Have you lost your mind?!" Hoen shouted. I continued to pack my bag with the necessities while he paced the room. Tala was lounging in a chair sipping on some coffee trying to wake up. The sun had yet to rise, but Hendrix informed me that they would be leaving early for the airport.

"How could you just agree for the girl to leave the continent?! Do you know how many things could go wrong?" Hoen insisted.

I sighed and zipped my bag close before facing the raving elf. "That is why I am going with them. I'll be sure she never leaves my sight."

"That's another thing! Lannister, you are a unicorn. The unicorns haven't been to a human continent in centuries! Are you sure your queen would even sanction this trip? If you insist on letting her go, then I can accompany her." Hoen tried to offer.

I scoffed. "With the way you've been treating her? No. This trip is important to her, and she doesn't need you putting her down the whole time." I said with anger.

Hoen stepped back as if struck, but couldn't deny that he had been acting poorly. "But neither the AFC or your queen would have you go." He pointed out.

"I already told you. My duty to my Amorita will always come first. If this is important to her, then it is important to me. As my friend you should encourage me to do what I feel is important." I said.

"But as your leader I have to remind you of protocol and rank. If Tala came up to me and asked to leave on some pleasure cruise with her husband, I would question her actions as well." He reminded.

"Hey, don't drag me into this." Tala mumbled into her coffee cup.

"Hoen, we need June to trust us. She will not listen to our advice or heed our warnings, if we refuse to listen to her and her needs. This isn't just a pleasure cruise. This is a peace-making trip. June gets to see her family, and I can show that we support her." I said.

"Fine, but what are we supposed to do then?" Hoen asked crossing his arms.

"Tala and you can keep tabs on the preparations they're making for this tour Mr. Moon suggested. You could even check in on Wistering Heights. I'm sure you both could find something to do. Now I really need to go. I don't want to give that vampire an excuse to take off without me." I said slipping my bag over my shoulder.

I strode over to the door and grabbed the handle.

"Lannister." Hoen called. I looked back. "Just be careful." He finally said. I nodded and left.

Out front in the drive was a nice sleek vehicle. June had placed her duffel in the trunk and smiled widely despite the early hour. Mr. Hendrix was speaking with the driver. I approached June, and she stepped back surprised. She quickly noticed my bag.

"Lannister?" She asked confused.

I placed my bag next to hers and smiled warmly. "Good morning, June. Sleep well?"

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