Chapter 127: June Jackson

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Thank you for all the comments and votes on the last chapter. As a heads up, this chapter is very steamy. I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to comment and vote! If you want to make sure you're not missing my releases including my occasional surprise releases, you may want to follow me as well.

-Lucinda Croft

Back to Original POV

Tomorrow. Tomorrow we left for my tour. I rolled over, and the suspended bed swung a bit in response. After discovering what Cenderion could make with that table, I asked if he could make me a suspended bed. His red moss was comfortable, but I wasn't entirely used to sleeping on the ground. It was difficult to fall asleep with the idea that everything, even a squirrel could be standing above me. I had even brought sheets and pillows from Hendrix's estate to make it more bed like. Sleeping on the bed was heaven, but the biggest boon was Cenderion guarding my dreams. The pain of my heart letting me down had subsided to a dull ache now, but facing Geralt would take another level of resolve that I didn't have yet. That or I was just putting it off as long as I could.

I forlornly studied the empty side of the bed that Cenderion had laid in. Last night he had laid beside me to help me fall asleep. He held me and stroked my hair, and I couldn't feel any safer than that. Apparently, dryads didn't sleep. At least, not in the way humans did. They would become one with their tree and focus on photosynthesis, but they never lost consciousness. The moment I was asleep Cenderion probably left to either rest in his tree or attend to other errands. I couldn't help but wonder if the fact that I needed sleep bothered him. I was as useless as a log when I slept, and on average I would be sleeping at least a third of my life away. I shook my head. That was stupid. Cenderion knew I was human and knew I would need sleep when he proposed in the first place. He couldn't be surprised by it now. Could he?

I sat up and stretched hanging my feet off the edge. I adjusted the grey nightgown I was wearing as I thought about what I wanted to do on my last day here at the estate—here with Cenderion. Yesterday I spent the afternoon and evening with Cenderion and Destin in the forest. I didn't want to run into those royals again. Especially after I humbled them like that in front of everyone. I also wanted to avoid a certain astute unicorn that had a cruel flirtatious way about him. Now I had things to do, so hiding was no longer an option.

I needed to say my goodbyes to the angel's heart, and see what I could do to help them in my absence. I needed Ulysses to fix my bracelet again. I also needed to check in with Fidestro and Destin about the finishing touches for the tour. Not to mention I needed to give Cenderion a proper goodbye. His feelings and devotion to me were made even more apparent at lunch yesterday. I had no idea that those ambrosia fruits were that precious. I just thought they were a popular fruit from Alturess or something. I also didn't know that the necklace Cenderion had given me as a "final touch" had such an important history. He didn't feel the need to tell me, and some part of me found it even sweeter. He was cherishing me without bragging about how good he was doing it. He did it without strings, without a desire for me to reciprocate, or without the proper gratitude. He just did it to do it.

"Good morning, Beautiful." Cenderion warmly said. I met the approaching royal dryad with a shy smile.

"Morning. Although my hair is most likely a mess, I appreciate your kind-hearted lie." I said.

I felt twitches of movement on my arms and waist. I looked down to see small vines wrapping about me. I was then effortlessly lifted from the bed and deposited into Cenderion's awaiting arms. "I would never lie to you." He said before kissing me.

I wanted nothing more than to melt into his arms and be entangled with him for the rest of the day, but the voice of responsibility kept me from relaxing too deeply. I pulled away and sighed. "Hold on. I think we need to talk. I'm supposed to be leaving tomorrow." I reminded.

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