Chapter 120: June Jackson

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"We need to talk."

Hendrix had said practically the same thing to me a couple days ago, but I had a feeling Jimmy wasn't going to gift me a phone or tell me how I make him a better person.

"Should I sit down?" I asked. My mind started to whirl and think of what could make the aloof and jaded Jimmy serious—Almost scared.

"If you're the fainting sort, then yes. I would highly recommend sitting the fuck down." Jimmy stepped further into the room.

I wasn't the fainting sort, but now I was more worried than ever. "What is it?" I asked.

"They're looking for you, Angel Cakes." Jimmy said.

"Who is?" I asked.

"The Minister and his fucking demons. That's who. They are actively looking for you. I had a run in with one of them earlier this week."

I shook my head. "What do you mean? They shouldn't know who I am... Or what I am. The angels don't even know."

Jimmy rummaged in his leather coat pocket and pulled out a wrinkled paper. He held it up, and my eyes scanned it quickly. Unlike the writing, wanted poster, or coded message I was expecting, I saw a painting of myself. It was a rather flattering painting and I felt warm looking at it. There was a tenderness to the strokes and an attention to detail that touched me.

"It's beautiful. Did you paint this?" I asked.

Jimmy snatched the print away and glared at me. "Do I look like a fucking painter?! No, I found this jammed in a fucking dead man's throat! Terris to be exact."

My admiration of the painting dissipated as I remembered what Jimmy was trying to tell me in the first place. "Terris? Like the guy who ordered you to break my arm? That Terris?"

"Yeah, that Terris." Jimmy said.

I looked around the room. I didn't understand. What did Terris have to do with anything? Did he tell the demons about me? But he didn't know I was an angel. I thought he also signed a magical contract with Hendrix. I needed more information. I straightened myself and looked to Jimmy. "Tell me everything you know."

Jimmy proceeded to tell me about some dive bar called Riftan's. Terris entered the bar looking nervous, so Jimmy investigated. Terris soon met with a vampire that must have been a host of a demon. Apparently he spoke in two voices and sprouted black wings at some point. It was this demonic vampire that produced the print and asked for information on the human in it (AKA me).

"The demonic voice even made a comment about finding you being their 'Minister's desire.' Of course, Terris told the demon and his host that he couldn't help them after recognizing you in the painting." Jimmy explained.

"Why not?" I asked.

Jimmy chuckled dryly. "That magical contract Hendrix made Terris and me sign was no joke. Must have cost a fortune with how serious the ramifications would be. You see, it wasn't the demon that killed Terris. Sure he tortured the shit out of him—to the point of where he probably wished for death—but the bastard was careful. It was breaking the fucking magical contract that killed him."

"So, Terris told him where I am?" I asked with dread. Were they on their way? Were they already here? I wasn't ready. I wasn't prepared.

Jimmy shook his head. "It only takes one word or even the intention to break a contract to set off the consequences. I couldn't hear their exchange through the door, but he couldn't have let more than a single word out. And the fact that the demon was pissed to the point of shoving this," Jimmy flapped the print in front of me. "down his throat, tells me he didn't get anything useful from him."

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