Chapter 141: June Jackson

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The chapter you've all been waiting for! Enjoy responsibly!

-Lucinda Croft

~*Trigger Warning*~ Explicit sexual content, nudity, and S & M elements will be present in this chapter.

            Like a hound finally released to give chase, Destin quickly claimed my mouth with his. My breath was stolen by his greedy lips and my hands reached out to push him back by his chest. It was a pointless maneuver, as I could not overpower Destin like this and I had no desire to stop him. Finally letting me up for air, his kisses trailed across my cheek and down my neck. His teeth occasionally scraped against my chilled skin threatening to bite down at any moment, and the promise made every kiss feel like lightning.

I arched back and gasped for breath as all reason flew out the window. His touch. His smell. Him. It was all I wanted. The sound of tearing fabric recaptured my flying consciousness, and I was able to discern that he was tearing my shirt off of me.

"Destin!" I called surprised as my shirt was swiftly turned to tattered rags.

Destin growled. "I'll buy you new ones." He said running his tongue down my neck darting over his now revealed mark. I gasped as pins and needles pricked under the mark in response. My stomach clenched waiting for something. I wasn't sure what, but my whole body was crying for it. I eventually noticed that I was leaning my head away from the mark almost baring it for Destin to see and mess with.

"Gods, you are so fucking sexy when you submit." He murmured against my marked shoulder. Submit? Was I submitting? I didn't really understand what was happening. I just wanted Destin to be happy. I wanted him to enjoy me. His mate. His teeth nibbled at my flesh that had grown as sensitive as any erogenous zone on my body. I cried out and pushed more into him. Deeper. I wanted it deeper.

A more feral growl came from my silver werewolf, and suddenly he bit down. Hard. Unlike when Hendrix feeds from me, it wasn't two thin fangs piercing the skin with his bottom teeth anchoring himself to me. All his sharp thick teeth punctured and made way. The firm pressure of his bite from all sides, sounded painful in theory, but the pleasure was only second to true orgasm. The warmth of my blood over my pimpled skin was equally enthralling. I shook my head confused. Wait. Did Destin really just bite me? Why did I want this? Why did it feel so good?

Destin's warm tongue lapped up any blood and started to heel the mess he made of my shoulder, but all the while he was tearing more clothes off of me. If I was turned on before, I was practically in heat now. I gripped at the back of his shirt and shivered. "Why?" I asked with barely any breath.

More cloth tearing and I was left with nothing but my bare fevered skin. "Because werewolves are beasts, June." He grabbed my legs and pulled them apart before adjusting himself to be panting at my helpless and yearning sex. "We like it rough." He growled before diving in. His tongue aggressively prodded and loosened the walls inside me. I mewled and gripped at his medium silver hair being powerless to stop his onslaught. I didn't have time to ponder if this was right or wrong. It just felt good. This was nothing like how Destin pleasured me with Cenderion in the mix. I realized it was most likely because Cenderion wouldn't have allowed it.

I flinched as his fingers came in to replace his tongue. They knew exactly where to knead and stretch to keep me pacified. Meanwhile his mouth was kissing and sucking on my inner thigh. Occasional sharp prods sent jolts of pleasure through me, and watching him through my hooded eyes I saw he was leaving bite marks all along the sensitive flesh. He wasn't like this when he imprinted on me either. Then again, he wasn't imprinting on me for his pleasure. He was doing it to control me. Seeing the circular dotted red marks also made me realize he may not have wanted to leave physical proof of his tampering back then, but that was no longer the case. He wanted me marked and decorated with his badges of accomplishment.

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