Chapter 111: Jason Hendrix

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-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

June wasn't in her room again last night. I was hoping to talk with her. Maybe get another feed in, but Jimmy informed me that she was in Destin's room. I snapped another pen in half and threw it harshly at the trash. They were mates, but I never expected June to forgive the bastard so soon. Why would she forgive him, but not me? That mark was to blame. It was probably working its magic on her and making her more susceptible to his manipulation. I shook my head. There was no use in lamenting over this. The fact she forgave Destin, and was willing to share a bed with him, only meant that my chances were equally good.

I took a deep breath and got back to my documents. I had to cover a week's worth of work to make up for this vacation I was taking with June. There won't be any popstar werewolf to monopolize her there. Her husband will be out of the picture too. If I manage to win over her family, then my chances would be even better. I smiled from the excitement. I couldn't help but entertain the fantasy of her willingly giving herself to me. Her hands sliding up and down my back while she pressed in close. Her scent driving me wild. Would she beg me to bite her, or suggestively reveal her slender neck? I could always bite her somewhere else—

A fervent knock pulled me from my fantasy and half-assed documents. "Master Hendrix, D—" A maid tried to quickly explain on the other side of the door.

"Get out of my way." Destin's voice growled and my door suddenly burst open barely holding on to its hinges. There stood a glowering werewolf with the instinct to kill. He stepped in a quickly slammed the door behind him on the stammering maid in the hall. "Hendrix, we need to talk." His voice was oozing with his alpha tone. For whatever reason, the popstar was pissed, and it appeared to be with me.

I placed my pen down and calmly laced my hands together. Keith was sitting straight in his typical armchair off to the side. He was ready to engage, but I doubted I needed him to. "And how can I help you, Mr. Moon." I said as patronizingly as possible.

His green eyes narrowed and I could see the internal battle of him fighting the urge to shift. "Did you force yourself on my mate?" He asked with deadly venom.

I squared my shoulders. He finally found out. "Is that what June told you?" I asked knowing it wasn't. June may not have wanted to, but she agreed to it due to what we both thought was necessary. Although I wouldn't have put it past me to do it by force if she continued resisting. It was the rational move at the time, and June hadn't earned my respect quite yet. Now, the idea of forcing myself on her was as off-putting as forcing myself on another vampire.

"Did you?!" He repeated louder.

I stood and rested my hands on my desk. "I slept with her. She was my human, and I couldn't have her virgin scent attracting more attention. She wasn't even your mate then." I said calmly.

"She is now! So you either fooled or forced her into bed with you, and I'm here to set the record straight." He said cracking his knuckles.

I smirked. "Isn't there a chance she just wanted my body?"

Destin charged forth and plunged his claws into the front of my desk splintering the wood with a slow snap. "She wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole, if she had the choice!" He spat.

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