Chapter 153: June Jackson

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            My hip rammed into the decorative dresser we were walking past as Mathew strongarmed me into it. The clatter of the dresser and my hiss of pain made him smile. I was covered in bruises and several scrapes by this point. He wasn't escorting me to this transport, he was shoving me and dragging me to it. I had to spend more energy dodging his blatant efforts to run me into walls or objects, and minimize the pain, than thinking of how to get away. All the while the five vampire mobsters that were with us just snickered and sometimes helped in tripping me up when I maneuvered around Mathew. I understood that Mathew was being vindictive and this was his way of enacting revenge for knocking him out, but the others were just assholes.

As I was used like some sort of bumper car down the halls, I tried to listen and look out for any of Destin's pack. If there was even an inkling of where they could be I could scream or make a run for it. I wouldn't get far, and my scream would be cut off quickly, but I was grabbing at whatever I could. I had a feeling once I got into this transport my fate would be sealed, and my hopes for rescue dashed. Dean had plenty of reasons to keep me chained beside him, and if we spent any more time together, he would discover even more. I swallowed the dread and held my arms stumbling down the hall. If it came to that... If I had to choose, I would rather die at Geralt's hand than live in torment with Dean. Dean may be the head of Dracula, but Geralt was the Minister of Darkness. The proverbial demon lord. He could snatch me from Dean in a heartbeat. Probably do a good number on Dean too.

What was wrong with me? I was fantasizing about my destined enemy rescuing me. How screwed up was I? If I ever got to a forest, the dryads could free me. And I haven't even let Destin and his pack get their fair chance. I paused as the thoughts of Hendrix and Lannister ran through my mind. I couldn't even fathom not seeing them again. Even the suggestion of them being dead made my stomach turn and my mind scream foul. But being near me was dangerous. I was dangerous. Hoen may have been right. While I was busy enjoying myself on stage and soaking in the positive attention, I was putting the people who cared for me at risk. Even Jimmy got shot for me.

A hard push between my shoulder blades forced me to fall and sprawl out on the floor stomach down. Before I could work on getting myself back up Mathew treaded on my hand. I cried out in anguish and waited for him to lift his twisting foot. He took his sweet time, but eventually I retracted my hand and held it. By some miracle it wasn't broken, but it throbbed painfully.

"Oops. Well, this is what you get for being so clumsy. Now get up." Mathew growled.

I stood and glared at him. I had never wished death on anyone. But this man. He needed it. The world would be better for it, and I was full on rooting for someone to take him out. He may share Hendrix's blood, but he was nothing like him. Hendrix had a mean streak and he liked playing power games, but he never caused excessive pain or humiliation. Everything was within reason and I now realized how he pulled his punches. I must have frustrated him numerous times, but he never lost control. Not like this idiot who flew at the smallest things. Hendrix was a saint if this was the control.

In fact, Hendrix never caused me physical pain. At least not intentionally. Even now he refuses to feed from me without using his chemical. Something Dean didn't even bother to use when he took a chomp at my neck. He had this bracelet made, but he never used it on me directly. He wasn't there to enjoy my torment. He just used it to stop me from escaping his estate. He wasn't without sin. He did force pleasure on me, and tried to rape me several times. He took pleasure out of watching me struggle and challenge him, but now it felt like child's play compared to what could have been. Never mind the fact that he doesn't even do those things anymore and feels horrible about what he had done to me in the past. He may have even just died for me...

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