Chapter 135: Jason Hendrix

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Still fighting this cold that will not let go, but I want to thank my readers, my voters, and my commentors. You guys help me push through and keep writing through the tissues and heaps of water. A shout out to my read-the-moment-I-post readers, hold-back-and-read-a-few-at-a-time readers, binge-the-three-books-now-I'm-here readers, and I-read-on-my-own-schedule readers. No matter how you enjoy my story, thank you for still reading it!

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

It was working. June had always been a difficult one to read or even guess how she would respond to things. The time I spent at her family home was not wasted. Through conversations with her parents, and some sleuthing of my own I had a couple strategies in mind. Ways to finally open June's fortified heart and entertain the possibility of letting me in. The first step was open and clear communication. Through stories from her mother and what had apparently happened with those fae, I had discovered that June was quick to jump to conclusions. Most of these said conclusions were negative in hopes to protect herself from being hurt. In fact, she could be downright oblivious to facts that would lead to a more positive end.

The second step was utilizing her soft spot for children and animals. I had spent some quality time with her sister Rylee—since Rachel was fixated on the fucking pretty unicorn—to showcase my ability to connect and be good with children. I also gifted June that kitten, which I knew would be a hit. Based on the pictures and books in her room her second favorite animal outside of horses were cats. I had also caught her snuggled up to her own pet cat back home on numerous occasions. She always seemed at peace with that critter in her lap, and she needed peace. Especially after that crap with the Minister of Darkness and the vampiric princes.

The last step was to consistently remind her that I was interested. June was someone who settled where it was comfortable. It was how she was able to adapt to such drastic changes in her life. She would find one or two things to rely on and settle herself into it. Almost like building a comfortable nest to weather the unknown. And Cenderion and Destin made her plenty comfortable. If I didn't remind her of my presence, she would rely on those two and shut everything else out. It was why that dumb unicorn was having such a hard time reaching her. He wasn't consistent enough, and each time he softly reminded her of this bond that she was completely unaware of, it ruffled her. It shook her cozy nest and it made her bristle rather than be receptive. I made it clear and under no uncertain terms that I still was actively trying to win her over. She may be fighting it, but at least she knows where I'm coming from.

All this effort had finally come to fruition during that fifteen-minute stretch break. I had specifically done research on how to support performers, and Destin had almost everything planned out, except a physical therapist. Destin probably overlooked this due to his own prowess and high stamina. A two-hour concert would be nothing for him. June was human. She would need a physical therapist, so I trained myself to fit that role. It was my way to do more than just sit around and throw money at situations. Plus it gave me ample opportunity to be close and personal.

I crossed my arms and watched June move about the room oblivious to her true surroundings. She was graceful and matched the other dancers on stage, but her struggle to keep up was obvious. At one point she stumbled and I swiftly caught her and got her back up before anyone noticed. June couldn't see me, but the red tint to her cheeks told me she felt me.

"Thank you." She whispered.

She managed to hold out until the rest of practice. The moment that bossy shewolf dismissed the dancers, June took off her own tiara and collapsed on the ground hunched over and gasping for breath. Her hair was stringy from the sweat and her smell was hard to ignore. With all her blood so close to the surface of her skin, she smelled delicious. Eliza strutted over with a towel and handed it to her. Well more like dropped it on her head where June grabbed it and started swiping at her face and neck. Her eyes caught sight of me approaching and she shrunk back.

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