Chapter 155: June Jackson

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Back from my trip. Loved the comments and all the love from the last chapter! Actually, publishing a physical book is a dream of mine, so when I feel this story is ready I'll explore that option. Please enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment!

-Lucinda Croft

So many eyes were on me. Some knew me. Some even loved me. But the large werewolf pack that my eloquent mate forgot to mention was my duty to oversee were as clueless and open mouthed as newborn chicks. Hendrix got up and tried to straighten his destroyed coat, and I slowly stood as well. The glow on the ground around me meant my wings were still out doing what they did, which was nothing. They looked cool and made a little light show, but otherwise they only painted a target on my back. Literally.

I turned towards the crowd of werewolves, but was met with Destin instead. He was shirtless, but at least had pants on. His green eyes scanned over every inch of me and I could hear his quick intakes of air through his nose as he sniffed me for any injury or problem. "June, are you okay? Can I touch you?" He asked urgently.

My joy of seeing him relatively unharmed outweighed how peeved I was with him, so I nodded and held my arms out for him. He quickly embraced me and I held him just as tightly. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I whimpered squeezing back tears.

He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head. "Shhh. Don't apologize. I will be there whenever you need me. No matter what. I am your mate, June. And you are mine."

I gathered my wits and nodded feeling so warm and safe when only mere minutes ago I felt quite the opposite. I opened my eyes and saw the pack watching us from behind Destin, which reminded me of my surprise status. I pulled out of his embrace and grabbed his wrist. "We need to talk." I said trying to keep the edge down in my voice.

Destin obediently followed me as I dragged him out from the cluster of people. I noticed the glow dimming down, and by the time we reached the tree line where the dryads were standing my wings had dissipated completely. When my spectacle ended, the werewolves finally noticed the other spectacles lingering by the trees.

"Are those dryads?!" One werewolf shouted.

"What are they doing here? What do they want? Is Alpha safe over there with them?" Another questioned.

"Shhhh! Just bow your heads and pray the dryads spare us." One hissed.

I Smirked. While the pack was distracted, I was going to have a serious chat with my mate. It didn't go past my notice that Lannister and Hendrix were following us into the woods, but they weren't what was bothering me.

When I felt the werewolf pack couldn't overhear our conversation, I dropped Destin's hand and glared at him. "A luna, Destin? I'm supposed to be their luna?!" I cried out exasperated.

Destin's eyes widened and his tail immediately tucked beneath him. "Well, yes. I was planning to tell you. Remember? At dinner?" He tried to explain awkwardly.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?! This seems like a big deal! Isn't this a big deal?!" I stressed.

"If I told you when I first marked you, you would have just had me killed then and there." Destin explained.

I crossed my arms. "And what says I won't kill you now?" I asked.

His ears dropped and he gave me wide pleading eyes. "Because you love me." He said. Was this his attempt at puppy dog eyes? It shouldn't work on this muscular, tall beast of a man, but my heartstrings pulled all the same.

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