Chapter 104: Destin Moon

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For my American readers, Happy Thanksgiving week! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I would like to thank my readers. I can't express how much your continued support and interest in my story means to me. I have always wanted to be a story teller, but if any reading this is also a writer they know that it can be near impossible to get honest and immediate feedback. Thank you again for all the comments and votes. I am not exaggerating when I say that I read each comment with childish excitement and regularly check for votes. I hope you continue enjoying my story until it reaches its end.

Thanks again!

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

I could smell my mate's distress wafting down the halls. I was so caught up in what everyone had to say and the sheer mystery and intrigue of my mate against the shades, that I failed to notice her deteriorating state until it was too late. After she had excused herself and glided past us with her violet cape fluttering after her, I finally caught the scent. She was scared. I was stunned to realize that I had let my mate down. I should have sensed her discomfort sooner. I should have been by her side. I should have stopped these fools from accusing, doubting, and interrogating her like some criminal. With my prince here, I had stepped back from being an alpha, but that was what my mate needed. Now she was running away trying to protect herself where I should have protected her.

I awoke from my self-depreciation and moved to go after her, but I wasn't alone. Everyone in the room began to jog out into the hall and follow her scent. Some were just following the rest of us. They called out to her. Some were concerned. Some were frustrated. I could hear my mate's heartbeat picking up speed. Fuck, we were only scaring her more. But I needed to get to her. I needed to stand beside her and reassure her that she wasn't alone. I was her mate. She could rely on me.

"All of you stop! I'll go after her." I barked. She would be less frightened if it was only me and not seven people pursuing her.

"I am your prince. You don't give me orders." Prince Sirius glared.

"This is my estate." Hendrix added.

"Why would we leave things to some random werewolf?" the unicorn huffed.

I growled. I wasn't a random werewolf. I was her mate, but I couldn't tell them that. If our relationship was more public, my demands would have been heeded. The care of my mate would solely be my responsibility... outside of her husband that is. I looked to Jimmy for some help, as he knew our relationship, but he shrugged and sighed defeated.

We were almost caught up to her when we heard a door slam. The sound of the lock cinching the door tight left us certain that she had chosen a room to hide in. Following her scent we found her to be behind a bright pink door.

"Should we wait for her to come out?" Prince Sirius suggested.

"We don't have time for this. Don't you have a key, Mr. Hendrix?" The pink-haired elf complained.

"This is my designer's room, and I don't think we should be barging in after her like this." Hendrix said conflicted.

"We could always just break the door down." Jimmy said sarcastically.

Just then the pink door flashed open and quickly shut behind a nicely-dressed vampire. His dirty blond hair was styled and neat, and his hazel eyes swirled with red. I recognized his face on some fashion magazines, but I had never seen him so pissed.

He quickly crossed his arms and popped his hip as he leveled his gaze on each and every one of us.

"Would any of you care to explain why I have a girl shaking like a leaf in my studio?" His quiet voice made my tail tuck for a moment.

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