Chapter 129: June Jackson

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Valentine's Day is right around the corner! If you have someone special, remember to show them just how much you care and remind them why they love you. If you don't have someone in particular, focus on self-love. You are someone worthy of love, so spoil yourself and give yourself grace. I want to thank my readers! I love all the comments and votes. My followers have a place in my heart as well. I hope you enjoy today's chapter, and don't forget to vote and comment!

-Lucinda Croft

Back to Original POV

Thankfully I had regained the use of my legs after what Destin called "aftercare." My body was still sore, but there was this calm and giddy contentment that covered me like a warm blanket. Occasionally my mind would drift and relive the events from this morning, and the feeling would only grow. Cenderion loved me. He truly did, and it was impossible for me to think otherwise after the way he made me feel. He may have pushed me past my limits, but he fulfilled every need flawlessly. Our shared pleasure. His knowing smile. His firm voice that pulled me from those damn toxic mantras that constantly played in the back of my mind. He would never leave or go against me. The only thing that we needed was for me to feel ready to be a queen.

I glanced at the tall silver werewolf at my side. He smiled when our eyes met, and I awkwardly returned it. I was beginning to feel that Destin loved me as well. He wasn't just trying to make the best out of a horrible situation. Now that I knew more about werewolves and how they functioned here in Vania, I could understand how he treated me in the beginning. Humans were seen as an essential need to ease their deprived betas. I'd imagine a werewolf would have the instinct to mate ingrained into them, whether they were alpha or beta. For population purposes, betas were forbidden to act upon their instincts. Humans helped alleviate it. We were as necessary to them as we were to vampires. Vampires needed blood, and werewolves needed sex. Although I wished both species would take from willing humans, I understood their mentality.

The reason Destin weighed me like a piece of fruit at the market, wasn't to belittle me, but just a way to purchase a useful human at a decent price. The reason he thought my body and voice were his to claim, was because he was an alpha who had big responsibilities and I was merely a sex aid for his betas. His nasty attitude was still a mystery, but that seemed to have all vanished after he marked me. Even if it was the imprinting that coerced him to do it, he was treating me like a proper mate. I couldn't deny that I enjoyed it. He was like this giant puppy that I felt a strong urge to cuddle. Especially when he was in his bestial form, which I think he had discovered, because he kept shifting into it for me.

Geralt was a distant problem now. Sadness came with the thought of him, but it was much easier to push it away. I could live on without him. I just needed to keep telling myself that.

With Destin by my side watching over me, I managed to get most of my list of general maintenance finished. I checked in with Fidestro and offered him some fresh coffee, which he greatly appreciated. He wasn't nearly as stressed as the last time he pushed me out of his studio, and he seemed generally excited for the trip. Ulysses was more than excited to switch the gem out of my bracelet. He stored the fresh angelic crystal in a glass bubble like the other one, and another purple gem graced the bangle once more. He shared with me his blueprints for his magic ran jet pack and offered us some interesting snacks before we left him to his work.

I stood outside the glass greenhouse. This was the last place on my list. I needed to figure out what to do about the angel's heart. I knew that these flowers were using my magic to thrive and grow, but I didn't know what would happen if me and my magic just left. I didn't want them to die or whither away. I also hadn't spoken to the angel's heart in a while. Not since before learning about the true identity of the Minister of Darkness. Geralt.

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