Chapter 148: June Jackson

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I really want to thank @JasmineKarissaSanta8 for the detailed comments on the chapters so far. I can't tell you how much this feedback helps drive my writing and commitment to finishing this story. Please enjoy this new chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

-Lucinda Croft

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It felt good to have a fresh charge in my bracelet again. Especially here. After unloading in my room, I immediately went to Ulysses' room with Jimmy in tow. I wasn't going anywhere in this hellish place without someone right next to me. I normally preferred freedom and space, but those were not offered to humans in Vespertil. I had been warned by several people multiple times that I wouldn't like this place, and they were right. Destin claimed it was an unavoidable stop on our tour if we really wanted to make a splash, but he himself was close to dismissing it. I had only seen snapshots of what life would be like for a human in Vespertil when I went to that human party the snobby vampire prince hosted. The humans in Wistering Heights even had it better than the humans I'd seen here.

Everywhere I looked there was human misery. The amount of broken spirits in battered bodies brought flashbacks to the market where I had been initially sold. It made my sacrifice for those four other girls in Nevada even more worthwhile, because this was most likely the future for most wild humans brought to the continent. I was also even more grateful that it had been Hendrix who bought me that day. He eventually grew sympathetic towards my plight and allowed himself to feel respect towards me when he discovered my identity. Here I would have been put on display like some novelty, and my life would have been as hollow and depressing as the men and women being pulled around on leashes. I desperately wanted to shout and yell against the injustice. I wanted to help and liberate every human, but I couldn't. I was one person. A mortal angel, sure, but still one person. It tore me up inside. I couldn't be the hero I wanted to be for them. At least not yet. That's what I had to keep telling myself. One day, when I had more influence, I would save them. I was on the path to becoming the dryad queen. I should be able to do something with that power.

When I got to Ulysses' room Hoen, Tala, and Lannister were there waiting. Apparently they wanted to see this angelic crystal up close. Once the red-haired inventor extracted the crystal the elves were gawking and squawking about it like a bunch of seagulls. What's the highest output? The lowest? What material handles it best? The expected longevity... It was far over my head, but they seemed happy. I got the new crystal and Lannister checked in with me. The stench of human misery left him feeling queasy. He felt better when by my side, but he would mostly be staying isolated in his room to avoid the unpleasant environment. Too many vampires and such. I didn't blame him. If I had the choice, I'd be doing the same thing.

I decided to have a private dinner with Destin in my room that evening. Hendrix had that unpleasant dinner with his birth family, Lannister was resting in his room, and everyone else was busy making preparation for the concert in two nights. I also wanted to finally ease Destin's instincts enough for him to not be so clingy anymore. We were enjoying grilled salmon and seasoned vegetables in comfortable silence until Destin put down his utensils with a solemn look on his face.

"June, there is something I've been meaning to tell you, and I don't think it's right to keep it from you anymore." He said with his ears drooped in guilt. I knew it. I had a feeling there was something not being addressed, but it conveniently kept getting overlooked with everything going on.

"Why were you keeping it from me in the first place?" I asked frustrated. We were sleeping together now. How could he still be keeping secrets from me? He was as bad as Hendrix.

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