Chapter 130: June Jackson

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I awoke early in Cenderion's hanging bed. I had managed to finish all my errands after some breathing exercises and bargains I made myself. I got four empty elven crystals from Ulysses and filled them with my angelic magic. My hair had grown to my shoulders as a result, but it only helped in altering my appearance from the painting Geralt had going around. I immediately planted the crystals at the corners of the angel's hearts' plot, and Cenderion joined me just as I finished.

"What exactly are you up to, Lily?" He asked intrigued.

I smiled and crossed my arms proud of myself. "Well, these little guys won't do well without me here. I put my magic in some elven crystals and planted them, so they can at least sustain themselves until I get back." I explained.

He held some of my strawberry blonde hair in his hand. "And this?" He asked.

"A disguise... So Geralt—I mean, the Minister doesn't recognize me." I said.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and pulled me back towards him. "Very clever. It seems you've been busy, but shouldn't you be resting. I was not easy with you this morning." His breath tickled my ear and I tightened my thighs together as some choice memories flashed in my mind.

"I'm fine." I reassured turning to face him. "I can heal myself and bounce back pretty quickly, remember?"

Cenderion smiled and ran his hands down my back to eventually cup my ass. "So, you're ready for round two?" He said playfully.

I blushed and blinked surprised. "Y—you want more?" I asked.

He chuckled and released my backside to fiddle with the necklace's clasp behind my neck. He then removed the necklace and placed it in my hand. "Much better." He smiled warmly. "And yes, Lily. Yours is a glass I could drink from endlessly and still feel like I haven't had enough."

"B—but..." I stuttered unable to think of an excuse or complaint. The truth was that I did want more of Cenderion. We weren't going to be able to see or feel each other for who knows how long after tonight. Yet, was it okay to want more? We went until I passed out. I should be satisfied with that.

Cenderion smoothly swept me off my feet and I grasped around his neck in surprise. "Don't worry. I won't go as hard as this morning. Unless you want me to." He started to walk me back into his forest, and I hid my cherry-red face into his shoulder. "Speaking of hard, where is our wolf? Wasn't he taking care of you?" He asked.

"He is in timeout." I murmured into his shoulder. "He wouldn't stop saying things that got me flustered." I explained.

I felt Cenderion's chest shake as he laughed. "Do I not fluster you, Lily?"

I smiled. "You do, but you're getting a break today. Since I have to leave you behind." I said a little sad.

"Then I better use today wisely." He said with a knowing tone.

I chuckled and leaned into Cenderion while he carried me deeper into the woods. There used to be a time where I hated being carried, but now it was really nice. I guess there was a boon to having supernatural partners.

"Cenderion, do you think you could protect that plot for me? Make sure no one steals them or discovers those crystals." I said as an afterthought.

"Of course, I can." He said.

"And make sure they get water and get weeded from time to time?" I asked again.

Cenderion laughed. "Lily, I don't think there will be much time where I will be away from them."

I pulled my head from his shoulder and studied my royal dryad. "Why?" I asked.

"Because they will remind me of you while you're away." He said simply. His deep brown eyes looked into mine and my heart exploded in a million fireworks.

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