TrollTree High Reunion Clip #3

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[Brozone laughed as they came out of Branch's Bunker.]

John Dory: We took care of them. Yes, we did.

Bruce: I'll be honest. Every time we compete with them, it's always fun. (Poppy and Vivia appeared before them.) Hi, Poppy and Viva.

Poppy: (points to the Funk TV) What was that all about?

Clay: A little prank between old rivals.

Viva: (gasped) No way. You were friends with Galzone?! Are there any other famous people you know that we should know about?

Clay: (lied) Not really.

Floyd: For the record, they used to be our bestie rivals. That's all in the past.

Poppy: Judging how much they spoke badly about you guys (clutching her fists in anger, which startled Brozone), which I despised (free her fists), I'm guessing you ended your friendship badly.

Branch: We had our ups and downs. We last spoke to them when they moved back to their parents and never returned or even sent a letter or text. Also, we thought the Bergens might've eaten them.

Poppy: Well, they're alive and well. And it looks like they want to see you again. It would be best if you visited them.

Brozone: What?!

John Dory: Poppyseed, you don't get it. If you meet them, you will understand why we don't want to meet them again.

Poppy: Okay. Please give me your reasons.

John Dory: First off, there's Dora Jelly. I can't take her constant yapping. She doesn't know when to stop. (begins to look uncomfortable) And just like Clay said, she keeps asking me to be her mate, and I don't understand what she sees in me. Even my brothers agree with me. (his brothers nodded)

Viva: (teased while Poppy giggled) It sounds like she has a thing for you.

John Dory: If she does, she must have terrible tastes. (surprising his brothers)

Bruce: Wow, John. I didn't know you hated yourself that much(while Clay, Floyd, and Branch looked concerned for John Dory). Anyway, next is Sidney. She never learns to be less honest and more open-minded about people's feelings. She is very judgemental if you ask me.

Clay: And don't get me started about Claire. Literally, everything about her is something I can't stand: her constant fashion rants, narcissistic comments, and complaints about her looks not being perfect.

Viva: (remembered what Claire looks like now, mainly her chest, made her jealous) I'm glad you don't want to see her again. (surprising Brozone and Poppy)

Floyd: (confused) Right? (shivers) About Fawn, she was always scared in the past and never looked like she ever cleaned herself, which is gross. And after seeing her on TV, she still scares me.

Branch: And lastly, and indeed the worst of Galzone, is Boo.

Poppy: (confused) Her name is Boo?

Branch: Yes.

Poppy: (still confused) Is that a nickname?

Branch: No, it's her real name. And I'm still confused about why she is named Boo.

Viva: How is she the worst of them all?

Branch: I think she wants to kill. When I first met her, I tried to say hello, but she took out a grenade and made it go off. Luckily, Dora threw it away before it exploded.

Poppy: Yikes. You should give it time to be ready to see them again some other time. (remembering how Boo looked, but jealous of her chest size) On second thought, you don't have to.

Branch: I'm glad you two get it. Besides, Galzone looked like they missed competing with us. There's no way they'll go out of their way to try and see us again.

[At the Galzone Mansion, Elder Mr. Crank was surprised to see his nieces packing their things for a road trip.]

Elder Mr. Crank: Woah, girls. What's going on here? Where are you going?

Claire: What does it look like, Uncle Crank? We're going out there and find Brozone. No one hijacks my sister's broadcast and gets away with it.

Sidney: How did they even do that?! You told us that they were always -C students.

Elder Mr. Crank: Yeah. How did they hack into your video?

Fawn: I don't care. We need to find Brozone because they owe us a long-awaited reunion.

Elder Mr. Crank: But you don't even know where they are.

Boo: (typing on a laptop) Don't doubt us, Uncle. Because of their hijacking, I could trace it to the location of their signal. We will upload the coordinates onto RickRoll so that the reunion will commence.

Elder Mr. Crank: You know. I haven't sent their invitations yet. (hands the invitations to Dora Jelly) Once you find them, please give them the invitations. The reunion will take place here at your mansion.

Dora Jelly: You got it, Uncle Crank. I hope John will finally give me a chance. We should make a grand appearance once we get there.

[But as soon as Galzone gathered their things, Elder Crank began to smirk.]

Elder Mr. Crank: (as Galzone leaves) That's right, Galz. Bring Brozone here...(takes out a phone) Anti-Brozonies, the plan is set in motion. Let us meet together to finally get back at Brozone for all the pain they've brought us in the past.

A familiar voice: Crank, my friend. We have a new member of the Anti-Brozonies. She may not be a Troll, but she is eager to get revenge as much as we do.

Elder Mr. Crank: Good to hear, Harwin. I'll meet everyone at the meeting hall.

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