Trolls: Tales of the Band Fan Episode: Agent Brozone Part 3

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HARPER is seen in a beautiful carven with crystals on the ceiling lit by the sun and a forest. When Team BZ, Professor Hannah, and Rhonda came out of HARPER, the Team BZ were so memorized by the splendid majesty of the Caverns of the Cream Caribous that they lowered their shades.

"Very pretty," Baby Branch commented while smiling very wide.

Clat whistled, "I can't believe the gals are missing this scenery."

"Such wonder...I never seen anything like this in all my hiking and nature sightings years!" John Dory sheds a tear.

"Even I can't help crying over this, too," Floyd said, crying tears of joy.

"Since I'm taking a photo class, I'll take some pictures for a grade since they won't accept my selfies. I wonder how all this grew underground," Spruce said, using a Polaroid camera.

Clay then takes out a book on the Caverns of the Cream Caribous and says, "According to my book here, it's because the crystals on the ceiling have access to sunlight outside of the Caverns, which it was able to gather so much of for this lush of nature to grow."

"Does it say why the Cream Caribous live down here?" Floyd asks.

After flipping a few pages, Clay said, "Ah, yes. Here it is. It says their coat is considered a very luxurious, rare material for the fashion department, and their meat is so delicious that it can be used in any meat dish. They were often hunted, so they went underground for survival."

"How curl to hunt such lovely creatures."

"It's cruel, Floyd."


"Okay, Doc. Where do we meet the King Cream Caribou?"

Professor Hannah said, "He should be coming over to show where the Ant-Critter Hill is."

Once a rumble is heard, Baby Branch hides in John Dory's hair and says, "I'm guessing that's him?"

"Correct, Little Branch."

After a grand hoove was shown, John Dory's brothers and Rhonda hid behind him so he could shield them. They were in shock but petrified to see the hoove belonging to a caribou as tall as an Adult Cuddle Pup, coat as white as rich, smooth cream while it twinkles like freshly fallen snow and soft like sheep's wool, antlers as solid and sturdy like oak, and it bears a golden leaf crest on his chest. Behind him are two other caribou with silver crests on their chests. He is the King of the Cream Caribou, and the other two are his knights.

"Wow...That is one big caribou. How do you do?" Baby Branch said, poking his head.

But when the King and his knights saw Baby Branch, their prideful elegance disappeared, indicating that they were charmed by Baby Branch's cuteness, confusing Brozone and Rhonda.

"Teeheehee...As mighty and strong as the Cream Carbiou are, they couldn't resist anything cute. The King can never hide his emotions when it's present," Professor Hannah chuckled.

Just then, the King's antlers glowed when he talked, "I assume they are here in the place of the Glitter Gals, Hannah?"

"He spoke...through his antlers?" Floyd said.

Professor Hannah then said, "Correct. Forgive me, my King, but the Glitter Gals ended up ill. These fine boys will be aiding you in your assistance request. They are Team BZ, Troll Super Spy."

"Reporting for duty, King," Brozone saulted.

"Very well. Anything to bring back the life of our peaceful home. Hop on, Team BZ," said the King Cream Caribou, kneeling for them to get on his back.

"Are my king?!" his knights in shock.

"Indeed. It's the fastest way they could complete their mission."

"I always wanted to ride a majestic creature until I could ride RHONDA," John Dory said before Brozone got on the King's back.

Rhonda is seen on Spruce's hair with a look saying, "I don't wish to be ridden on you."

The Cream Caribou rode off, leaving a trail of snowflake sprinkles

"Good luck, boys and Rhonda," said Professor Hannah.

RickRoll showed up and said, "They'll be okay, will they?"

"Percisly, RickRoll. Wait a minute?! Weren't you supposed to be watching Galzone?"

"But didn't lock up their box?"


But when they turned around they found the box on the groud empty, Professor Hannah said, "We better go find them."

With Brozone, Rhonda, and the three Cream Caribous, they arrive before a Greygon size Ant-Critter Hill.

"Woah, hold on. The Ant-Critter Hills I've seen so much were not too big. These Ant-Critters must be more evolved than their own species," said John Dory.

"Maybe the springwater has something to do with it," said Spruce.

"Correct," the King Cream Caribou continued. "Not only can the springwater heal, but it boosts energy. But it's still a mystery."

"How so, my King?"

"It always has different effects on different creatures. For me and our home, it provides nutrients. For Trolls, it heals them. For Ant-Critters, it boasts their energy."

Clay takes out his book on the springwater and says, "The book does say it is a mystery. A springwater can do anything to any creature it encounters. Our world is indeed a mystery."

"Such knowledge and curiosity as yours, Agent BZC 00300, will grow fruitful enough to be anything you dream of being."

"I love your words of hopefulness."

"Your Majesty, how advanced is the Ant-Critter Security?" Floyd asks.

"Their queen's chambers and the springwater containment room are the most guarded places. We've sent inside troops to test the Ant-Critters' strength, and the results..." said the King Cream Caribou.

Brozone and Rhonda were shocked when they saw Cream Caribou carrying chunks of caribou-looking meat.

"Oh my! And you kept the meat of your fallen herd?!" Floyd is in shock.

"Yeah, but we are glad to give it to you as your reward... along with a supply of springwater."

"Uh..." Brozone was concerned about having the meat.

"It will be fine. I highly suggest you infiltrate while my herd and I distract the Ant-Critters."

"Let's leave that to the baby of the bunch," Baby Branch smiled.

"Our little infiltrator is ready. Let's head to back, Team BZ and Agent 👹RHONDA👹. Your Majesty, we're counting on you to keep the Ant-Critters busy as long as you can," said John Dory as Brozone and Rhonda got off the King Cream Caribou.

"Of course. Good luck, Team BZ, and Agent Rhonda."

"It's pronounced, 👹RHONDA👹, my King."

"Forget it, John. Let's roll. And I mean literally," said Clay, who enters a golf ball form and begins rolling away.

"How did he do that?" Floyd confused.

"We'll find out later after the mission and Galzone is cured. But let's roll with it," said Spruce.

Soon, Clay's Brothers do what Clay did and follow him. Rhonda and the Cream Caribous looked confused.

"Yeah. They are a brotherly wild band," said Rhonda before going after them.

"Knights, prepare for diverting," said the King Cream Caribou.

"Yes, Sire," said his two knights.

Unknown to them, five shadows were behind them to follow Brozone and Rhonda.

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