Trolls: Tales of the Band Fan Episode: The SleepoverZone Part 4

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Back with Brozone and Galzone, they looked proud for TP Mr. Crank's ground.

"Tell me, Galz. Did it satisfy you to get back your Uncle for making you stay in an attic?" John Dory smirked.

Dora Jelly takes pictures of the TP-covered bedroom and says, "A lot. Revenge is so underrated. I never felt so much satisfaction."

"You guys know how to make people have fun," Sidney smiled.

"Well, we are Brozone. It's our duty to ensure that our fans always have fun and be happy," said Spruce.

"Now that's over with. It's time to ascend to the most colorful place in this pod: our bedroom," said Claire.

Dora Jelly uses her hair to pull down the roof door, which causes a ladder to fall.

"You boys ready to sleep with us? We kept it warm for you," said Fawn, who does a double-finger gun.

Brozone does the Anya Forger shock face before they nosebleed.

"FAWN, YOU IDIOT!!! Dora Jelly, Sidney, and Claire shouted with their faces and flustered before they pounded Fawn's head.

Quickly, Baby Boo said, "What she meant was that we got mattresses set up for you guys to sleep on."

Despite knowing they misunderstood what Fawn said, they remained in shock, nose bleeding.

"Can I have your Grandpa's cookies?" Floyd asks.

"Here you go," said Baby Boo, showing the platter.

Brozone quickly starts eating them to clear their minds.

"These cookies are good," said Brozone.

"Come on up, Broz. Prepared to be blind by colors, sparkles, shines, and glitters," said Galzone.


As Galzone climbs the ladder, Brozone chows down on the cookies while they climb. But as soon as they reached the top, they were literally blind to the bright colors and sparkles of cleanliness of Galzone's room.

"Welcome to the Galzone, Broz!" they said while they popped glitter party poppers.

But the glitter ends on Brozone's faces, making them look annoyed.

"At least this room is vivacious," Clay said.

As Brozone gets the glitter off their faces, they notice four mattresses on the floor with pillows and blankets set up.

"Oh. You really did set up mattresses for us. Quite generous of you," said Spruce.

 As Brozone put their things on their mattresses, Dora Jelly said, "Of course. You're our band-besties and guests. We want to make sure you are comfortable. And since there were only four spare mattresses, Baby Branch can sleep in Boo's crib."

"Wait, what?!" said Baby Branch, scared.

He slowly turns to Baby Boo, who mischievously stares at him while bouncing her eyebrows three times and caressing a grenade.

Baby Branch quickly hides behind Floyd in fear before saying, "I will be sleeping with Floyd. Thank you very much."

Hearing this, Baby Boo looked sad that she wouldn't share her crib with her favorite Brozone member.

Claire then showed Baby Boo's pink crib and said, "I don't blame you, Baby Branch. Boo's crib is boring."

Offended, Baby Boo pulls the pin of the grenade and throws it at Claire. But Claire dodged it for it to fly out an open window.

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