chapter 4

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Chan got up early and prepared breakfast. Today he wasn't going to school as he had no lesson. He made some pancakes and left some for Ms Jisoo. He headed to his mother's room and found her in the very same position that she was always in.

"Hi mom. I hope you're doing better. I'm also doing good. It's been a week since dad left." Chan held his mother's limp hand in his." I'm already used to it so don't worry. Just focus on getting better." Chan said.

" I was thinking of actually saving money to buy myself a house. I don't want to see him mom." Chan said to his mother's unconscious form.

It had been a year since his mother got into a coma and he always used to cry whenever he saw her but overtime he'd learnt to live with that so it actually never bothered him that much.

" Mom I've found my mate.  Yes I thought it would be a cute omega or a calm beta but it's an alpha." Chan kissed his mother's hand.

"I don't have a problem with his wolf gender but mom he's more dominant than me and he's younger than me. How am I supposed to accept that?" Chan chuckled.

" He's the exact opposite of me mom. He's so confident, so handsome, so freaking manly. But the worst part is he's my dance teacher." Chan continued

" Just make sure to come back soon. I can't keep on telling you funny things and you don't react." Chan pouted and kissed his mother's temple before leaving.

He greeted Ms Jisoo on his way out of the room and chatted with her a bit before proceeding to his room. He plopped himself down on his bed and suddenly his phone rang.

"Hi Hongjoong." Chan said." Hi Chan can you come to the studio right now? I need your help with that arrogant client." Hongjoong said tiredly from the other side." Okay. I'll be there in a few." Chan laughed at Hongjoong's misery before hanging up.

He quickly made his way to the studio and found Hongjoong dozing off on the table. He sat down on the couch and scrolled through his phone as he waited for Hongjoong to wake up. He didn't want to disturb him because he knew they both had the same problem of insomnia.

"Joongie." Chan heard a voice. Even he had dozed off on the couch that he was sitting on. He hadn't even realized it but his phone fell from his hands. He softly massaged his stuff neck as he had slept in a weird position.

"Joongie wake up. You called Chan over here and y'all both slept?" Seonghwa giggled. Chan looked at him and instantly and realized who it was.

" Seonghwa?" Chan said softly." Hi. Sorry for the inconvenience. He actually never slept last night." Seonghwa said.

"Are y'all living together or something?" Chan asked as he waved off his apology." Oh I guess we never actually got the chance to meet well. I'm his mate." Seonghwa scratched his nape nervously.

Chan was astounded that he worked with his friend and yet didn't know his mate who just happened to be in the same class as him.

"Oh sorry." Chan said and picked up his phone from the floor." No it's okay." Seonghwa smiled before turning to a now fully awake Hongjoong.

" Hi hyungie." Hongjoong smiled at seonghwa.' Even I want my mate Chan. At least if you don't want to meet him then let me meet his wolf. I promise I'll not do anything bad.' Wolfchan pleaded with Chan in a low voice.

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