chapter 11

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A/N: I don't know the death and funeral rituals of the Korean people well. I didn't want to use them because it would have been disrespectful had I used them incorrectly or missed something.

"Where are you going?" His mother asked when he saw Minho dressed in black formal pants, a black shirt and some black shoes. His hair was slightly and neatly parted.

"Sit down please." Minho said to his mom and she sat down." My mate. His mother has been on a coma for a year and she died two days back. Today is the funeral and he has no one other than me." Minho explained softly.

"Why didn't you tell us? We could have gone too to support him." His mother sighed." I do want him to know you too mom but he can't adjust to us being mates.

He's everything I'm not so I don't want to scare him away by introducing you too early." Minho crossed his legs.

"But we want to be there for him. Ask him first if he's fine with us coming and if he's not then we'll not come." Mrs. Lee said and Minho nodded." Okay I think it's better if I ask him face to face. I'll get going." Minho said and his mother nodded.

He went over to Chan's place and found Chan already getting dressed." Ughh why do I have to wear formal? Can't I just wear my baggy jeans?" Chan groaned.

Chan wore his shirt and tucked it in while watching himself in the mirror." Chan I have a request!" Minho shouted from the living room." Come here I can't hear you?" Chan shouted back.

Chan's face heated up at the way they were so domestic. It was if they'd been living together for a very long time. He quickly discarded the matter from his mind and zipped his pants. Minho knocked and entered once given permission.

" What did you say?" Chan said without looking at Minho. Minho took one of Chan's ties and went over to him and turned him around so he could face him. He started fixing Chan's tie as a distraction.

"My mom wanted to support us by coming but I didn't want to take the decision on your behalf so she requested if she could come. That's if you're fine with it." Minho fixed Chan's tie and fixed his hair too. Chan was too engrossed in Minho's actions that the question registered a bit later in his mind.

"What?! Oh no, what's she going to think about me? I can't refuse but I'm also not ready to see her. Does she know I'm an alpha? This is bad." Chan paced around frantically.

"Chris calm down. She already knows that you're an alpha. Besides you don't have to chat with her. She's just there for support and I also told her that you're not ready to meet her yet." Minho rubbed his temple. He wondered why Chan was so much of a worrier.

"If you say so. Let's go before we find the funeral all done." Chan took his phone and they both went out. They went to the mortuary where they collected the corpse and they went to the graveyards.

The priest said the prayers and the coffin was lowered into the grave. Chan realized that Jisoo was right when she said he needed to let go.

His walls came crumbling down when he realized that he basically had no parents. He put the flowers on top of the coffin as he held his tears back.

The hymns that were sung didn't help with Chan's situation at all. He saw Jeongin and Seungmin a few metres away and they went up to him and hugged him without saying anything. Minho was with Chan all along and later on Minho's mother came along.

Alphas can't mate(Minchan)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα