chapter 38

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It was the last day for Chan's final exams. Others were still writing and everyone was running around the library,school and everywhere trying to grasp the content that seemed to be leaking.

After finishing with his last paper Chan invited Alexa to go eat lunch with him and Minho. Chan was no longer hiding his relationship with Minho and even the dance class knew that and they stopped hitting on Minho.

The only people who knew about Chan being an omega was their friends. That is Seungmin and Jeongin along with Hongjoong and Seonghwa. Hongjoong and Jeongin also reduced the touched they offered Chan since they knew that Minho wouldn't like it.

The two being Chan and Alexa went to the school restaurant and chatted while waiting for Minho to arrive. Chan ordered for Minho and soon enough Minho came.

"What're you doing here?" Minho said to Alexa who smiled at him before going over to hug him. Minho pushed her forehead before she could even touch him.

Chan watched the scene in amusement thinking maybe they were old friends." Didn't you miss me Min? I've searched for you all over and luckily I found your friend." Alexa said with a blush.

"Lee Christopher Chan what the hell is she doing here?" Minho snarled and Chan's eyes widened in shock. He knew he was in for it when he downgraded from his pet names to Christopher Chan." She's the new friend I told you about." Chan said calmly.

"New friend? Well from this moment you're no longer friends. You" he pointed to Alexa." You know the way out." Minho said.

"But Minnie I'm finally back. We can have a good life together. You don't need him in your life." Alexa pointed to Chan.

To say Chan was betrayed would be a clear understatement. He thought he had a friend but the friend was after his mate. How convenient. Life never ceased to amaze him.

"You see how selfish and self centred your friend is?" Minho highlighted the word friend and Chan shook his head in disbelief.

"What is wrong with you Alexa? Is this how you talk to your friends?" Chan asked softly." You're not my friend. You're just a person who stole my mate. And now I'm here to make things right and we'll be together again." Alexa said and Chan's jaw dropped.

Minho's ex mate was back and that's why Minho was so furious. He couldn't believe that he was so stupid to not realize that she was lying all along.

All those times her blush rose and her ears perked at the mention Minho. The way she always asked when they're having lunch together with Minho. He just thought Alexa was excited to meet her friend's mate.

"Alexa? You even changed your name to fool my mate." Minho chuckled in disbelief." He's a fool anyway so I didn't fool him." Alexa spat and Chan just stood there flabbergasted.

"What would be a love story without the return of a toxic ex? Alexa or whoever you are meet my alpha, my mate and my boyfriend. Lee Minho." Chan emphasized the my to indicate that Minho was only his.

Minho looked over at him with pride that he wasn't fazed by any of the things that stupid girl said. Chan winked at him and Minho smiled.

"Minho why can't you see that he's not good for you? He'll just use you for your money and he probably doesn't know about you being a violent, abusive freak?" Alexa smirked referring to Minho's IED.

The smirk was wiped off Alexa's face the same time a slap echoed in the restaurant. Lucky enough business was down and not too many people were there.

"You don't get to talk about my mate like that. At least this violent and abusive freak doesn't go around breaking other people's relationships.

This freak loves and protects his mate so who are you to judge my mate and make fun of his disorder? You're here because the person you chose over him was no better than you." Chan seethed with anger and frustration.

Minho had never seen Chan that angry and he was worried. The omega was angry to the point where he was visibly shaking.

"Come on Channie let's go home." Minho said gently as he held Chan's waist." No I need to put this bitch in her place before I go." Chan shook Minho's hand off.

Alexa was still holding her cheek and tears stung her eyes. She removed her hand and Chan's handprint could still be seen adorning her face with a visible red colour.

"You're a selfish and self centred person. A pathetic little bastard that likes using people for your pleasure and interest.

I actually thought you were loyal because you rejected Minho for your boyfriend but I realized I'm wrong. You were right I am a fool.

But that doesn't mean my alpha sees one when he looks at me. And maybe if you had just been a fool back then you wouldn't be trying to break my relationship." Chan poked Alexa's shoulder as he spoke.

Chan delivered one last slap before talking." That was for calling my alpha Minnie. Only I Christopher Chan can call Minho however I like." Chan said before storming out of there.

Minho went to pay the bill and passed by the new Alexa as he went out." Thanks for showing me how much my omega appreciates me and where I stand in his heart." Minho said calmly before going out.

He found Chan crying softly at the backseat and he quickly wiped his tears upon seeing Minho. Minho sat down next to him and pulled him into his embrace.

"It's okay my pretty pup. You're allowed to cry." Minho soothed Chan gently." She was right Min. I'm a fool and I made you angry by bringing her here." Chan whispered as he played with Minho's hoodie rope.

"I'm actually glad that she came back. I can't describe how proud I am of you my love. She showed me what you thought and felt for me. All the words you can't say because of fear, I got to hear them because of her." Minho kissed Chan's forehead.

"I meant every word I said Minho. When your own mate and your parents don't judge you then who is she?" Chan said as his anger got renewed.

"I know baby. But honestly you slayed." Minho smiled and Chan whined saying Minho was making him flustered." I'm guessing I have a kink for violent Chan now because that was hawt as hell." Minho licked his lips.

"And jealous Chan rocks. Only I Christopher Chan can call Minho however I like. My alpha, my mate and my boyfriend." Minho imitated Chan and kissed his own fingers before slapping the air to show how much Chan slayed.

Chan blushed hard and his face in Minho's chest." I love you Minho." Chan looked up at him." I love you too Channie. A lot and I appreciate you standing up for me today. It means a lot and I will forever cherish that moment." Minho pecked Chan's lips.

"You're saying this like our love story is coming to an end." Chan whispered anxiously." It will never come to an end. Even in the afterlife you'll be my sweet omega." Minho gave Chan a quick kiss.

"Your lips are so addictive. Remind me why you chose to be my omega again." Minho smiled at his omega." Because in my dictionary alphas can't mate." Chan giggled.

The end

Kidding!!!😂 The next update will be the last and then we'll bid this book goodbye. I love this book so much that I wanna cry :((

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