chapter 12

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Chan woke up to a pair of arms securing him tightly and he smelled that heavenly scent that he liked so much. He felt Minho's steady breath on his nape and he blushed softly.

His head was resting on Minho's arm and he winced as he imagined the pain Minho must have gone through as a result of him. He gently got his head off Minho's arm only for Minho to push him with his other hand so he could rest his head there again.

"Are you planning on crushing my skull?" Chan hissed." Sleep some more, I'll wake you up later." Minho's husky voice came out. Chan's heart raced a bit and he nodded before turning around in Minho's embrace.

"Minho wake up." Chan said quietly. It was still dark outside and that's probably why Minho was still asleep." Are you hurt somewhere?" Minho asked sleepily as he woke up." No, I'm bored." Chan pulled Minho back into bed.

"So do I look like a clown? Do I look like I work in the entertainment center?" Minho sassed and rolled his eyes as though Chan could see him." Chat with me. Tell me about yourself." Chan laughed a bit ignoring the prior comments.

"What do I tell you? Just ask questions and I'll answer." Minho rubbed circles on Chan's waist." Why are you bigger than me?" Chan said the first thing that came to his mind." I don't know. I can't say working out because you also look like you work out so I don't really know." Minho laughed.

"So how did you become a dance instructor at such a young age?" Chan asked." The same way you became a producer at a young age. We're just a year apart." Minho shrugged." If it was a test you would've failed. Who answers like that?" Chan huffed.

"Lee Minho. He answers like that." Minho smiled." Why does your eyes turn red whenever you're too angry?" Chan asked and he felt Minho tense a bit." Can I not tell just yet?" Minho sighed and Chan nodded.

"So if we're ever in a situation like that how should I calm you down?" Chan asked carefully. His mere question made Minho happy.

"Only you are enough to calm me down. If I'm far too gone then Channie should be your last resort. Leebit only listens to Channie. Even I fail to keep him in check sometimes." Chan blushed at Minho's words.

Wolfchan squealed and Chan smiled at his goofiness trying to ignore the way Minho's scent weakened him." Chan what is it?" Minho asked when he felt Chan's nose on his neck.

Chan growled indicating that Wolfchan was slowly taking control. Minho enjoyed the closeness and pulled Chan closer and closed his eyes to enjoy the moment as he sighed contently.

Minho opened his eyes when he felt Chan's tongue on his neck just above the pulse point. Minho wouldn't lie if he said that didn't have any impact on him because it did. His eyes turned emerald and he closed his eyes trying to gain control.

He knew Chan wouldn't do that to him willingly and it was probably Wolfchan needing attention from his mate. Now he understood why Chan was against the idea of them shifting at the same time because Leebit was getting feral at the same moment.

"Chan?" Minho shook Chan's body." Chan get back." Minho shook Chan again but Chan was far too gone and his eyes were a full blown blue implying that Wolfchan had taken over. Even in the dim lit room Chan's eyes were visible as they were glowing.

Minho would've loved to see those eyes for a bit more but he had to get Chan back because right now Wolfchan was doing something Chan wouldn't in his senses. On top of that his sweet scent was intoxicating and Leebit was about to take complete control.

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