chapter 20

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"Oh my! Look who decided to come to school on a Friday." Jeongin went over and hugged Chan. Chan tensed a bit before finally reciprocating the hug." Children these days don't have manners. I'm still your hyung you brat." Chan smacked Jeongin.

He then went over to a smiley Seungmin and hugged him. Seungmin held on a bit longer and Chan patted his back." I'm fine Minnie." Chan said and Seungmin nodded.

"There was no one at your home. I got worried." Seungmin said." It's fine. I was a bit unwell but now I'm good." Chan smiled at him.

"Okay let's go to class." Jeongin said." By the way Minho hyung's classes were boring without him." Seungmin said and Chan looked at Jeongin.

Jeongin shook his head to indicate that he hadn't told Seungmin anything. Honestly it wasn't anybody's but Chan's place to tell Seungmin.

"Maybe he'll be here today." Jeongin said and Seungmin nodded. The three went to class and sat down. Chan felt uncomfortable as he got into class.

It felt like everyone knew what had happened. First it was Seungmin hugging him more than usual and now it was all the people looking at him.

"Chan hyung you look uncomfortable. Is everything okay?" Jeongin said and Chan fake smiled before saying out the usual lie of I'm fine.

Just then Chan's phone vibrated and he took a look at it.

Lee Minho👹

Hey Channie❤️ are you alright? I'm a bit worried about you🥺

Channie 🐺❤️

I don't know, it feels like everyone is watching me😓 I feel so uncomfy rn.

Lee Minho👹

I'm sorry for not being there🫂 but I promise I'll see you before the dance class starts.

Channie 🐺❤️

That's your class dummy😭😭 and don't be sorry it's not your fault. Anyway put away your phone and focus.

Lee Minho👹

Okay I'll see you later ❤️.

Chan put away the phone and focused on his class which seemed to be boring and it got even more boring as time went on.

Even Jeongin and Seungmin were bored and they kept on teasing one another. They were so cute and he distracted his mind from them only for his eyes to land upon Jisung and Felix.

Why did he suddenly realize that almost everybody in class was with his or her mate? Everybody was busy with his or her mate watching the phones together and covering one another.

San had even gave Wooyoung his mate his phone for him to play with. He suddenly felt very lonely and very jealous and wondered what Minho was doing at his college.

Was having a mate really that nice? The smiley faces on the alphas' faces and the occasional blushes on the omegas gave him the answer.

However he was still scared of submitting to Minho. One day he would do it, just not now. Not when his whole life had been a lie. He'd had it rough in life and he was afraid that it will get even more worse.

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